Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

some dang tree decided to lay down because it was tired and broke a couple of power lines just up the street from where I live. Lost power near 3pm today and got it back on at midnite.
Missed all my shows, got wayyyyyyyyyyy behind on the forum and just now caught up.
Was going to have a nice roast for dinner and wound up having an early dinner of fried chicken from the IGA and a late meal of balogna sandwiches. (the sandwiches were good, I love the stuff) Coulda did without the fried chicken though, wasn't ready for it.

Another day slipped away due to no fault of mine. (ha)
Anyway, will be at the meet up at Spiffy's.
some dang tree decided to lay down because it was tired and broke a couple of power lines just up the street from where I live. Lost power near 3pm today and got it back on at midnite.
Missed all my shows, got wayyyyyyyyyyy behind on the forum and just now caught up.
Was going to have a nice roast for dinner and wound up having an early dinner of fried chicken from the IGA and a late meal of balogna sandwiches. (the sandwiches were good, I love the stuff) Coulda did without the fried chicken though, wasn't ready for it.

Another day slipped away due to no fault of mine. (ha)
Anyway, will be at the meet up at Spiffy's.
fried chicken- what a morbid thought!
Sorry about the power outage- I hate it when that happens! we're on a well (yeah! no flouride, no chlorine!) but I keep worrying we should have a back-up water holding tank for just such occassions. We just moved here late last summer, and the "do-list" keeps increasing....

I am really looking forward to getting some more laying hens. I have so enjoyed having chickens again this past year. I guess I should be taking pictures of them and posting in "my flock", yes?

Here's the crazy rooster that was supposed to be a hen... with my Buff Orp and Barred rock. BTW- chickens only get names here is they are friendly enough to eat out of your hands. So, like I said, there's my roo, with "Buffy" and "spot".

here's the crew when they were younger- see the white one? it was supposed to be a pure White leghorn- and ah-hem, we've never, ever got a white egg. I'm thinking I might have a mutt, or else a white plymouth rock? ( I want a couple white layers, some more americaunas, some marans (black copper and wheatons), Welsummers, a lavender orp or 2, olive egger(s). How's that for chicken math? I need a dozen more hens, looking for the variety pack :).
For fun I think we gotta get atleast ONE polish. I get lots of city slicker visitors out here who think my picture window view is better than any movie in the theatres these days
maybe a generator instead? Run your pump and give you some light?
We've got a generator :) Bought it a couple years ago- when we about froze our buns off during the ice ctorms. Our well is shared, so have been thinking a storage tank would atleast have gravity-fed H2O in case of emergency. When you buy a house that was foreclosed, you don't get the instruction guide.
Besides, we's need TWO generators to run all these newfangled gadgets!

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