Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I love a good conversation...but I'm a bit worried about having the kids with me and actually being able to hold a conversation. We'll see how it goes. I might break my cardinal rule ONE time and bring the iPad to give to them to play on in the restaurant just so I can think straight. Gah! I HATE technology moms who don't teach their kids to exist amongst other humans but give them devices to shut them up instead. OK. I talked myself right outta that idea LOL

I feel the same way about those 'technology' moms.... With the exception for my 6yr being when we are going somewhere that will be very predictably boring for him..... Plus I only have learning games.... No angry birds (hate that game) etc.... Regardless..... Sounds like we all have/like kids :) so no worries either way

Can't wait to see/meet you guys!
some dang tree decided to lay down because it was tired and broke a couple of power lines just up the street from where I live. Lost power near 3pm today and got it back on at midnite.
Missed all my shows, got wayyyyyyyyyyy behind on the forum and just now caught up.
Was going to have a nice roast for dinner and wound up having an early dinner of fried chicken from the IGA and a late meal of balogna sandwiches. (the sandwiches were good, I love the stuff) Coulda did without the fried chicken though, wasn't ready for it.

Another day slipped away due to no fault of mine. (ha)
Anyway, will be at the meet up at Spiffy's.
Now that's a heck of a visual. Colonel Sanders eating cold KFC in the dark.
sorry Mike!

So looking forward to seeing all today. Early word is itsren is a cancel.
Has a little people home
. She has asked me to intercept the eggs from Trav and I will get them relayed to her somehow by Saturday.
Night all, see those of you going to the South meet-up tomorrow. I will likely be wearing my Pro Bowl t-shirt(blue). And don't be shocked if I don't carry conversations. I am horrible at the face to face conversations, at least starting them. Tomorrow will be a stretch out of my comfort zone. But I want to meet y'all.
Ok, Pro Bowl shirt did not make it into laundry, so I will have on my Son's Army Platoon shirt, it's black.
Quote: Nice, But when I am up north, everything is closed. I drive semi with 2 trailers. I leave PDX around 10:30pm and get back to PDX around 5am.
Quote: Uh oh, so if Renee isn't coming I would also assume Jessica is not coming either? Bummer. I will have the eggs with me.
Sorry about the power outage- I hate it when that happens! we're on a well (yeah! no flouride, no chlorine!) but I keep worrying we should have a back-up water holding tank for just such occassions. We just moved here late last summer, and the "do-list" keeps increasing....

I am really looking forward to getting some more laying hens. I have so enjoyed having chickens again this past year. I guess I should be taking pictures of them and posting in "my flock", yes?
As for a back up storage tank. How many days of water do you plan to store??? IMHO a better investment would be a generator. That way you could run most of the basics in the house, run the water heater then turn it off and run the pump and have showers, wash dishes etc. Most houses can function on a gen that has a Nominal of 5500-6000 watts. NOT peak but Nominal.
Quote: Keep in mind that to get much water you need to get the reservoir up high. See for every foot of elevation you will get 1/2 psi. No matter how big around the res. is.
As for generators The goal shouldn't be to run everything. You should set up to run the critical items. Lights TV, Sat recvr, modem, wireless router, cell charger.
All of these items draw very little. As for 2 generators NO just buy a larger one. Less hassle to wire in. Many things can be done with out during power outage.
I hatched out 8 BA's, but upon closer inspection I

discovered that my RIR rooster had made a unexpected visit to my little BA group.

This little one is SO adorable! Definitely keep me posted on this one!

Ibet somebody can put that to rest and get ya talkin. I hear rumor that somebody maybe quite the talker. Renee? Jeanine? Nikki? Travis? who might it be??? Surely not me !!!

I talk when I get nervous, so I'd probably be a chatty cathy until I settled in... Ok I talk a lot, all the time. Wish I could join you all! Have a great time! Have some Spiffy's fries and a shake for me! No really dip your fries in the shake.

It definitely will be interesting to see what it looks like all grown up. I've already said I'm keeping it just because of how cute it is, it also has a very mild temperament so far. Most definitely will be posting pictures as it grows, so everyone can see.

- Emily. A.K.A The daughter of RainyDayChickens.

P.S. He left this page open on his unattended computer, I couldn't resist posting haha. While I'm here, I'd like to say Hello, to everyone!
Way to go Emily! This is something my daughter will do when she's older. In my immediate group of friends we call this "getting hacked" lol...

Buy DE at Auburn Coastal Farm Supply. It's $20 for 50lbs of food grade DE!
Really!?! Holy moly! I really need to find this place. Jess- THANK YOU!! I just found their website... They carry SILVER Jeans!!!
Somehow I see my entire tax return being spent there.
Quote: WHAT color I am looking for one!!!!

They are white, from Sheryl Butler. If you are interested I can take some pics tomorrow and post them.

Well not to be picky but I an looking something other than white. Would really like buff or blue.

No worries! I think I'll still take some pics today and post them. So far the only person interested in one is in Portland. I wouldn't be going down there for a few months, and I can't hold onto them that long.


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