Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

No garden here. We have pesky deer and elk that will devour everything we plant. We can't even grow tulips or daffodils! And forget about fruit trees as well! We put up cage-fences around our baby trees and the deer just jumped on top of them and broke all the branches off the trees.

Chickens seem to be a solution to the problem...they can use the garden space and the deer don't bother them. LOL
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Yeah we have a 7 foot fence with a 2 foot piece that angles out at 45* |garden| <<<kind of like that... to deter them from jumping into the garden. The elk have tried to push it over but no success yet...
The elk had eaten my garden for 3 years or more put this up 2 years ago and now i get to eat my food!!!

A couple folks expressed an interest in my coop lighting project.. Instead of writing it all down twice, I'll just cross post it here -



This is neat! I'd definately reccomend taking a look!
My stupid birds were eating the eucalyptus tree last year. I'm not sure they read the lists of things they won't eat.

I have potted grapes along the fence. They happily snack on the lower leaves and the plants give them shade in the summer
Every year i try but am the worst for gardening….I have had some luck with putting several types of plants in barrels….garlic, tomatoes, chard and Kale…Last year the girls found out if they jump up on the grape arbor they can reach all the fruit….i have a large area that is moist most of the year and thought to try a mixed planting of corn, squash and sunflowers. its far from a water source so will be interesting to see if it can survive without watering. Anyone grow sunflower seeds for their birds???? One of the roads near me have a wide band of them along their fence and it appears to reseed each year.
Does anyone know if Cream Legbars are slow to mature? I started this experiment with this breed this summer I really wanted blue eggs. So we went from hatching eggs, to chicks (only ending up with one girl and 3 boys), to pullets, to putting the boys in the freezer
to now the hen is 21 weeks and still no eggs. Shes not my favorite bird either. In fact she sleeps in the tree above the coop at night and we can't get her down until morning when she flies down wanting to be fed, and now i'm rambling. I just really wanted blue eggs and impatiently waiting. The other hens were so much easier and sweeter.
I've only had a couple hatchery birds lay as early as 21 weeks. Even most of them started several weeks later. Nonhatchery birds usually take longer. My ameraucanas and silkies take 8 months on average.
Hello to Olympia/ Tacoma/ Spokane area! I'm desperately looking for a serama hen, young adult. I need her to help me foster my quails, and through much research have decided that is the best fit for me due to size and personality. I would prefer a people friendly bird, however if she has potential I'm willing to work with her. I really like the black fluffy kind, but will take anything at this point. My incubator is on the outs, and I don't know how much longer it can hold on. I have an indoor coop set up already. I live in olympia, but travel to tacoma fairly regularly. I will be in spokane this next weekend (31 jan) if anyone over there can do a quick meet. Please contact me with any leads, or offers =)

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