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Coop De-Poopers! These ladies are wonderful!

CR - See those masks? I was training them how to rustle hens, so you better keep your girls hidden!

It was so fun coming over to help =) not a chore at all!

This photo turned out fantatic!
And Siruis Black is very handsome in this picture.

I came home to a broody Blueberry last night. I just might have stuck four of the Ameracauna eggs that you send home with me under her.

Her first time going broody so I don't have high hopes. Don't tell DH about my experiment LOL
It was so fun coming over to help =) not a chore at all!

This photo turned out fantatic! :D  And Siruis Black is very handsome in this picture.

I came home to a broody Blueberry last night. I just might have stuck four of the Ameracauna eggs that you send home with me under her. :lau  

Her first time going broody so I don't have high hopes. Don't tell DH about my experiment LOL

Last year I had an EE who went broody when she was only five months old. I tried breaking her of her broodiness for another five months. Then I got some fertile eggs from cowgirlgrace. All four hatched under her. There were three Boys and a girl. The pullet grew to be the BCM hen you see in the picture.

That coop looks great! Thank you. We should just have cleaning parties whenever anybody's coop needs a big clean. it sure makes the chore a whole lot more fun.
Quote: OK Ron you just keep trying to convince yourself of that!
Just yesterday I was talking to a potential new egg customer. She had no idea how much healthier my brown eggs are than those nasty white eggs. And then when I educated her how much better the brown eggs taste because the dark shell keeps the light out, (kind of like the reason I am told that they bottle beer { nasty} in dark bottles. And then if ya eat the colored ones .....well lets just say they have special powers especially the GREEN ones!

OK so I didn't really tell her all those things but did inform her that fresh home eggs are better. She was also shocked to learn this fact that some newbies may not know.
According to the USDA eggs sold in the grocery store as "FARM FRESH" can be up to 6 yes SIX months old!
Good morning everyone.
I always tell my new customers about how old the eggs are at the store, if you go on youtube (yes I like watching the videos) at type in somthing like reading eggs cartons, there are videos that show you how to read the number codes on the cartons. It tells you what plant they are from, and what date they were put in the carton. But they also say that the eggs could have been laid months before they even go into the carton for the stores and yes that they can be up to 6 months old. "Fresh my a##!"
I have a question,
I gave my broody Ebony (Black Australorp) 3 banty chicks the other day. This morning I went out to check on every body and one of the banty chicks was dead. Looks like she was squashed. Do you guys think I should take the other 2 away form her? If I do will she start laying again? Will she hate me? I don't wanna take them but I don't want another one to die. WHAT SHOULD I DO?

Oh by the way the pictures of all these beautiful EE's are making me want mine even sooner. Hopfuly they will be available this week.
Last year I had an EE who went broody when she was only five months old. I tried breaking her of her broodiness for another five months. Then I got some fertile eggs from cowgirlgrace. All four hatched under her. There were three Boys and a girl. The pullet grew to be the BCM hen you see in the picture.
That coop looks great! Thank you. We should just have cleaning parties whenever anybody's coop needs a big clean. it sure makes the chore a whole lot more fun.

She is in the photo with the barred rock. I would've put some of our own fertile eggs under her but Sirius Black and Duracell were chicks at the time.
I have a question,
 I gave my broody Ebony (Black Australorp) 3 banty chicks the other day. This morning I went out to check on every body and one of the banty chicks was dead. Looks like she was squashed. Do you guys think I should take the other 2 away form her?  If I do will she start laying again? Will she hate me? I don't wanna take them but I don't want another one to die. WHAT SHOULD I DO?

Oh by the way the pictures of all these beautiful EE's are making me want mine even sooner. Hopfuly they will be available this week.

Watch her for a bit. She may be attacking them. We tried sneaking chicks under our broody several times. She always attacked at least some of them. I had to take them all away from her. That's why we have so many chickens now. She will still be broody. mine was broody until I gave her some fertile eggs and they actually hatched. She accepted those.
Rats carry disease from place to place.........a full grown rat can eat as much chicken feed as a full grown hen.....they also drink from the chicken's fonts & can sit & poop in feed bins.
Rats can also catch & eat baby chicks.
They are fast, and dart out from under cover, grab a small chick & be gone with it.
There are many many reasons to get rid of them.
Do not leave feed out for them, and cover compost to keep them out, if possible, or compost your vegies in a metal trash can (shoot holes in it for air) I hate rats !!!!!!!!!!!!!

They will eat blackberries, fruit off trees & vines, dog & cat food, compost & poultry feed.

Looks like I'm shopping for a metal garbage can then. My compost bin is one of those big, square bins - they chewed a hole in the top. DH brought out an arsenol of traps for me to set today. I need to move the bin out away from the fence and put them below it. Such pleasantries for the day, eh?

I keep our bag of feed in the house. I feed the chickens their veggie treats in a suet feeder, which gets brought in each evening. And, their food container also comes in the house, since they still sleep in a large metal dog crate that's in the garage. The only thing I've left outside is the baby chick waterer - because their indoor crate has a nipple system attached.


a egg is a egg no matter what the breed/color/etc.....
a egg is based off of what the bird eats.... if they eat fish the eggs will smell fishy, if they eat a lot of free range stuff the eggs will normally have a darker yolk.... If you feed them the junk the large chicken mass production farms feed them you will get a egg that taste just like the store bought tasteless eggs.

And if they eat a lot of slugs, bugs and bees (yes, BEES... dumb chicken), then what are we eating?
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