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And if they eat a lot of slugs, bugs and bees (yes, BEES... dumb chicken), then what are we eating?
I tell my customers that today's slugs, bugs and worms are tomorrow's eggs.
I came home to a broody Blueberry last night. I just might have stuck four of the Ameracauna eggs that you send home with me under her.

Her first time going broody so I don't have high hopes. Don't tell DH about my experiment LOL

I'm experimenting too with my first time broody Cuckoo Marans. She's sitting on five beautiful Marans eggs from Zgoatlady.
That coop looks great! Thank you. We should just have cleaning parties whenever anybody's coop needs a big clean. it sure makes the chore a whole lot more fun.
Especially when it comes with great company and yummy food!
Ok everyone, anyone good with electronics and want a VERY LARGE SCREEN TV for FREE that needs a new thingy in it!

It works properly for about 45 - 60 minutes, then the colors start going wonky. We put in a new bulb, but Hubby says it needs a new something (can't remember what he called it), that costs about $600-700. It is enormous, about 69 inches I think. It's about 5 years old. (We don't watch more than about an hour a day, so it's not really badly worn)

All you have to do is bring a pickup, and we will help load it. PM me if interested.
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