Wasn't sure where to post..how do you keep from tracking chicken poop, etc. into your house?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 18, 2010
My back porch where I walk outside to the coop is not covered so I cannot leave my shoes outside, especially in Washington where it rains 24/7. Not to mention that I use sand in my run so that sticks to my shoes as well. I was bringing my shoes in and placing them on the mat at the door, but am finding the chicken poop and sand is making it's way onto our carpet somehow!
Does anyone have any ideas on how to prevent this? Any input is greatly appreciated!
I bought a cheap garden cart from Lowes (or Walmart) and keep my shoes in there. It's got 2 shelves and 2 doors. I'm sure you could find something even smaller...maybe a rubbermaid container w/ lid.
Get a covered cat litter box with a door. Just slip off shoes and stick thru the door on the box. It' small so as not to take up much room. You could put it by the gate to your chicken area, then the smell on the chicken shoes is not by the house.

I got a pair of old winter boots I cut down to make them just slip-ons. They live by the cellar door just slip them on,come back off they go in their spot. Then if I have work boots on i have a hose just outside the door and rinse off the bottom.
I built a little addition onto the house called a mud room. Shoes and boots are taken off in the mud room. Tile floor is easy to clean. We also store some items in the mud room like dog and cat food, kitty litter, umberellas, coats ,hats. I had to go take care of a horse, and a couple goats. When it rains its a mess. The Mud Room was the cure.
Chicken shoes. We have a mat by the door. When I go out, I slip off my regular shoes and put on my chicken shoes. When I come back in, I switch back. It took awhile to get into the habit of always changing shoes - but slip-on shoes/boots make it easier.

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