Water freezing question


most are submersible. I had a submersible one also. It was still glass that could break. They also tend to keep the water at a higher temperature than a frost free chicken waterer. If you have a submersible NON glass heater that can be set to a low temperature that is not going to break the bank, by all means.
I have a bucket with a lid and the nipples.
I used one for 2 years, in a PVC waterer with vertical nipple. They do need to be kept fully submerged but it did a fine job keeping the water from freezing and I had no issues with breakage or anything. The vertical nipple still froze externally so I had to thaw those out each morning. That's not the fault of the aquarium heater, that's just due to how vertical nipples work vs horizontal.
Aquarium heaters are meant to be used at indoor temperatures, and not outdoors where they can be broken in the water!!!
The very cheap solution is to use black rubber water dishes, and replace the water three times each day. I don't have time for that, so use the heated dog dishes, and the metal heated bases for waterers.
Messing with electricity and water is never a good idea!!! Use products designed for the purpose intended.
The Brick is so not fully grown chickens do not slip and drown in the bowl. It’s also to keep it from being overthrown by wind gusts.
I do not allot of freezes here but I have a few of them I use submersible ones of course
keep a lid on the bucket they will drown
You might also check out birdbath deicers. I use one submerged in an open 5 gallon bucket. Works for me. Water may get a skim of ice on it when it gets below 0 but doesn't happen too often here. Regards, Woody

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