Water system... heated and cooled.....


6 Years
May 18, 2013
Omak, Washington
My Coop
My Coop
https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/summer-winter-chicken-nipple-waterer ...

One must give credit where credit us due.... and that idea was a WINNER !!!! winner chicken dinner !!!!!!

I had a water dispensing cooler.... hadn't been used in years.... Drilled the inside hole to fit the threaded piece.... ONLY through the inside liner..... let the pilot bit go through the outside liner.... then drilled the outside liner so the "nut" would fit through the hole with room to spare so as to facilitate tightening of the nut.... Gooped the threaded piece and gasket with 5200, inserted and snugged it up with the nut... added water as 5200 needs water to set the sealer..... let it cure.... NO LEAKS....
Added appropriate tubing.... drilled holes for the nipples.... insulated with closed cell foam weather stripping 3/4" thick... over taped to protect the insulation...
Heater and pump added... the pump moves warm water during the winter to keep it from freezing....
Ice added to keep the water cool during the summer... No pump or heater needed then....

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Hasn't seen a winter yet..... but... 250 watts on a thermostat that is designed for a bucket that isn't insulated... should do a fine job.... the pump "hopefully" will last the winter and keep the pipe and nipples thawed....... (so it says in fine print..) All I can do is wait and see.... (and I bought a spare pump when I ordered them.. $7 each)

If all fails, I will be watering the birds 3 times a day until I can figure something else out..... Believe me..... If I'm carrying water to the birds 3 times a day, I "WILL" figure something out..... In the winter it gets to -0 deg. temps.... and snow is on the ground from Nov. to Mar.

I did what I thought would work and provide a safety margin.... I could be wrong, been before and will be again.....

I just absolutely hate doing stuff twice so I spend the extra time and usually money to do it right the first time..... (fingers crossed)
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Yep..... Tubing extends to the bottom of the pipe...... Keeps everything nice and warm...... at least until the pump fails.... I do have an extra.... I think they were $8 or something close..
Your implementation of this concept is very nice, and a clever use of on hand materials as well. Mine is much the same, but with a horizontal dispensing system. I am going to add a vertical section at some point, like yours for the odd sized birds, so thank you for showing this. Your photos are very nice and I am sure they will help a lot of people to transition to this superior style of waterer.

Best to you and your birds,

I had planned on a horizontal system... tried to figure out different heights of nipples and how to accomplish it... Then how to run the tubing from the pump to the end of the watering line... How to mount the "cooler" and access the lid to add ice or the heater.....

.... Make it vertical.... The chickens will figure stuff out when they get thirsty...

Everything I read said, "clean water is healthier..".... then healthy it is.... saves money and time in the future...
I think this is brilliant!!!
I've never seen nipples that will work sticking out sideways like that - just the ones that hang down. Where did you get them?
Can you tell us what heater and pump you ordered for your system? I'm afraid of getting a heater that will overheat the water or not heat it enough. I've seen some people use fountain heaters. Great layout for this system. I think I will set up a heated horizontal waterer in one coop and this vertical one in my other coop and see how they handle the coming winter.

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