Waterer as a feeder?


In the Brooder
May 15, 2016
Ontario, Canada
Hi all, I'm completely new to the chicken world. In fact their house is just under construction now. I ordered a small one gallon waterer for them and since then my dad has gotten me a larger galvanized waterer. I was wondering if I should send the small one back when it comes in or if by any chance I could us it as a feeder? I'm thinking I'm probably better off returning it and getting/making an actual feeder. What do you use?

The one in question looks like this
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I would hold onto the waterer -- while it would be impractical as a feeder, it is never a bad idea to have a spare around for use if you need to isolate a bird, need to have water in a brooder for a new batch of chicks, have something happen to the waterer you normally use, etc.

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