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6+ Cochin please. My lone mille fluer pullet needs some friends

6 Pekin duck eggs
16+ barnyard mix eggs. Will include SBEL. EE roo over RSL, TETRA TINT, EE, WHITE LEGHORN, and a BLACK GIANT.
I can add 4 grey call duck eggs to either offer also!
I can even ship later when it cools off if someone wants. It is suppose to provide some relief here around thursday. Mid 80's instead of 90+ and lower humidity. I can do later than that even if someone wants to wait till it cools way down but be warned the grey calls most likely will quit laying before then.

If someone fancies a wait I can do 6+SFH as these guys are 12-14 weeks old and should be laying and fertility tested by late fall/early winter. They will be pullet eggs though.

Same story as above but 6+phoenix/sumatra/game hen mixes. Hatched from pidgey's eggs that I bought.\

I can even ship later when it cools off if someone wants. It is suppose to provide some relief here around thursday. Mid 80's instead of 90+ and lower humidity. I can do later than that even if someone wants to wait till it cools way down but be warned the grey calls most likely will quit laying before then. If someone fancies a wait I can do 6+SFH as these guys are 12-14 weeks old and should be laying and fertility tested by late fall/early winter. They will be pullet eggs though. Same story as above but 6+phoenix/sumatra/game hen mixes. Hatched from pidgey's eggs that I bought.\ Anyone?
I so want them but my ducks laid all the eggs and are now sitting on them. So no water fowl eggs to trade with. :(
Only thing I have is some chicken eggs and daylilies ,maybe next year.
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6+ Cochin please. My lone mille fluer pullet needs some friends


6 Pekin duck eggs


16+ barnyard mix eggs. Will include SBEL. EE roo over RSL, TETRA TINT, EE, WHITE LEGHORN, and a BLACK GIANT.

I can add 6+ grey calls to this offer
or IF you fancy a 3-4 month wait
6+phoenix/sumatra/game hen mix
4 BLRW plus 4+ of something I offered above.  Please be aware the grey calls will not be laying at this time.

I can send 10-15 young rose of Sharon plants too. I've got a bunch that are 12-18 inches tall that are new growths for this year. Can put them into putting soil and ship them next week. These things grow anywhere and I have pink, purple, white, and who knows what other colors are in there. Please don't ask for one specific color as these are not blooming so I can't tell which us what color.
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Ha, that happened to me once. I was taking a class online and I had to do my homework one night without an "e" key or a spacebar. Luckily, my professor had a robust sense of humor.....
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