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Due to the season we are allowing chicken as a first offer right now as long as they can ship within 2 weeks (weather cooperating, just keep in touch with the recipient You must offer something "not chicken" in addition, but it may be for future shipping . That gives the option of waiting or getting it now. Just please try not to have more than 1 person waiting on any single pen at a time.
so what's the current offer?
I am confused...
who's up???
Is this the thread that someone was talking about tolbunts on??? I am doomed to only like expensive animals I swear.

My call ducks started nesting, no eggs yet though.
CURRENT OFFER from sarasweatman

Mine on the turkeys for March


12+ corturnix (mixed color)


6+ Ancona (tricolor drake over blue, lavender, chocolate, and black ducks)

Sorry forgot to add - the anconas will also be for spring shipping (March/April), right now they are not fertile.  The male has taken the winter off ;0
Quick question, sorry f it makes everything more confusing :p

If we claim an offer, does our current offer have to be something we need to ship asap? Or can it be an offer to ship later?
I noticed that the current offers are list something to ship now and/or something for a later date.
Just asking because my Welsh started laying but I don't want to ship until I confirm fertility.

Thanks Silkie :)
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