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The good news (for me, at least) is my ducks have FINALLY (over a year old) started laying..I get a measly one egg a day out of 7 girls lol. The bad news is, my ducks run together so I won't have any purebred eggs to offer.
I forget, are we allowed to offer "other" eggs (in my case, coturnix quail..fertility tested, just shipped some off and waiting to confirm their hatchability) as the first offer now, or does the first still have to be purebred waterfowl?

Your first offer can be anything but chicken. Check the first post for required number of eggs for each offer or PM me if you have something not listed. You may offer chicken & mixed breeds as additional offers. At least 1 offer needs to be available to ship within 2 weeks.
Oh yay. :) I'll wait until fertility and hatchability on everything is officially confirmed before I hop on board, but good to know, thanks!
Please let us know if this is still current or if it needs updated. ;)

It is still current. A few of my fancies are starting to lay now that the weather is warming up and the days are getting longer, now I'm waiting for the rest to play catch up. Here's 1 more though.

4+ Eastern black turkey eggs. These guys are very pretty birds. Pictures of the birdies to follow
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Are these turkeys the same as Eastern Wild?

Yes they are. Here is a picture of the tom with a couple of his hens.
This is my first time on this particular swap so let me know if this isn't done right.

I call mine on the slate eggs and offer
8 crested blue Swedish/KC cross duck eggs
12+ barnyard chicken mix ( hens are pure SLW, GLW, BO covered by a SLW/EE ROO)
6 pure blue Swedish duck eggs to ship 5/7/14
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