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No worries. My bators are stuffed too & I have 2 batches of eggs on the way...plus quail eggs that need to go in & about 10 dozen eggs on the counter & 3 dozen in the fridge. Time to make deviled eggs again...lol

Wonder if I can vac pack some eggs for winter when they slow down...lol

Haha!! I know I have like 20 call duck eggs just from the past two days!!! I went kind of overboard on ordering adult breeders and now I have at least 10 laying hens.

I've started weeding out the bigger hens and replacing them with littler hens. Just got a great pair of khaki call ducks. The hen is so tiny she makes my tiny blue pencilled look HUGE.

I have some promising babies from Clousert on here. Thinking they may show well. Excited to see how they grow out.

Ooooooo! I want more of your calls! Side swap? I have soap & stuff if you don't want eggs...lol
Ooooooo! I want more of your calls! Side swap? I have soap & stuff if you don't want eggs...lol

Omg definitely. I am swimming in eggs. First ones I've incubated since getting all my new ones are due Mother's Day. I am so anxious to see what pops out!! I'll take a look at your swap page and PM you!!
Ooooooo! I want more of your calls! Side swap? I have soap & stuff if you don't want eggs...lol

Omg definitely. I am swimming in eggs. First ones I've incubated since getting all my new ones are due Mother's Day. I am so anxious to see what pops out!! I'll take a look at your swap page and PM you!!

Check with me on soap scents & bathsalts. I haven't updated my page in forever but I have a ton of new molds.
I've got room in the incubator (and would grab those Anconas)but none of my ducks are laying.. They are molting?! After they molted this fall!(well most of them did) and I only have chickens... Maybe some jewelry stuff.. I'd have to look.
Mine too! For some odd reason, my welsh all stopped laying about a month ago and now are molting. And they all molted in Dec/Jan. I have no idea why as that's never happened to me before. They usually lay right through the spring and summer.
That makes me feel better... On another post some of the peoe acted like they were just too old to lay (my girls are between 1 1/2 and 2 1/2 so that isn't the reason) and other where asking if I'd had any stress on the flock... Again nope... Last summer/fall a dog (our own) got after the ducks and other than the injured birds no one acted any different so I can't imagine what could stress them enough to cause that! (G)

12+ assorted coturnix, mix of jumbo & regular in several colors
6+ mix of polish crosses & ee bantams (could be pure polish, polish/silkies or crested ee)
10+ Rainbow layers
4+ Ancona duck

Just picked up 16 more coturnix hens so I will offer double on them. Colors are amazing on the new ones!!!
24+ on the coturnix to update my offer
Just picked up 16 more coturnix hens so I will offer double on them. Colors are amazing on the new ones!!!
24+ on the coturnix to update my offer
Mine on ancona eggs!

12+ Mixed color coturnix eggs
8+ Mixed chicken eggs (mostly larger dual purpose birds) HENS: Heritage RIR, Delaware, cochin(Frizzle gene carrier), Red Broiler, and Turken. Roosters: Red Frizzle Cochin, and Red Broiler
Just picked up 16 more coturnix hens so I will offer double on them. Colors are amazing on the new ones!!!

24+ on the coturnix to update my offer

Mine on ancona eggs!

12+ Mixed color coturnix eggs
8+ Mixed chicken eggs (mostly larger dual purpose birds) HENS: Heritage RIR, Delaware, cochin(Frizzle gene carrier), Red Broiler, and Turken. Roosters: Red Frizzle Cochin, and Red Broiler

PM me your shipping info please.
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