We have chicks! Question about ages and Sexing wyandottes


Aug 22, 2022
So we got chicks from tractor supply. Originally my mom wanted to order online but prices were high and the breeds we wanted were always late shipping dates so today my mom woke me up and said were going shopping and i mentioned tractor supply and she thought about calling and they had just got their shipment in and THEY HAD MY BLACK AUSTRALORPS! I was sooo excited cause everywhere online was out of stock or expensive. So we have black australorp pullets, buff orpington pullets, barred rock pullets and 4 straight run wyandottes. We were told all of them were a day old however the wyandottes look older...

So two questions one

The wyandottes were listed as blue laced but were guessing based on all the chick pictures we've looked up of the different wyandottes they may be silver laced but anyways they look older than the 1 day old chicks not like fluffballs so im guessing their older but I was wondering if anyone has pictures of marked days on chicks so I can compare to guess their age. I'm guessing maybe somewhere around a week.

Also what are some early identifiers to start guessing sexes on wyandottes. Were hoping for a rooster but we are also getting easter eggers, marans from two other people and mixed from our neighbor. So hopefully a rooster comes from one of the four batches lol Apparently my sister in law who will be giving us easter eggers said pointed eggs are roosters but that sounds like a wives tale to me.
Congratulations on getting the chicks you wanted!

Also what are some early identifiers to start guessing sexes on wyandottes.

Unfortunately, Wyandottes are notoriously deceptive as they develop because the rose combs don't show up as quickly and obviously as single combs do and because the females pink up early.

They frequently keep people guessing right up until the boys' male saddle feathers show up around 12 weeks.
Tail feathers can be an indicator but by itself it's not a reliable way to sex. If I had a chick that had other signs of more likely being male (upright posture, friendlier personality, thicker legs) then a slower feathering tail would just add to my suspicions, if that makes sense?
Makes sense lol I told her well find out when they read the age but its still fun trying to guess.
Congratulations on getting the chicks you wanted!

Unfortunately, Wyandottes are notoriously deceptive as they develop because the rose combs don't show up as quickly and obviously as single combs do and because the females pink up early.

They frequently keep people guessing right up until the boys' male saddle feathers show up around 12 weeks.
Yeah I'm happy! Now I just have to stop my mother from trying to name my Australorps lol
I never knew I would adore a chicken so much XD sadly its not my australorp but still this one Buff Orpington is acting like such a sweet heart! After a few days shes still letting me pet her. Though tonight she was pecking at my finger so I hand fed them lol. I couldn't resist she wasn't the only one, one of my australorps let me pet it and started pecking at my fingers. So yeah they got hand fed.

However! One of the Wyandottes is either screaming male or being deceptive. A few days ago my mom pointed out its comb was light while the other 3 had dark combs. And while hand feeding two of the dark combed wyandottes ate from my hand while the 3rd huddled down and was sleeping. However the 4th and lighter combed was standing with its side toward me and I dont wanna say it was giving me the stink eye but it felt like it was staring at me weird XD I mean it could have also been mad since I woke them all up to switch their water and add bedding but still its actions have me thinking it may be either a bossy female or a early roo.

Also were thinking they may actually be Golden Laced wyandottes because their laces are looking orangish. I just wish they wouldn't be jerks lol.

Though I am getting a bit worried about one of the barred rocks. Twice that I've seen its stood up to one of wyandottes making itself look taller and moving toward it. Could be pecking order stuff.

Either way I'm adoring the cute younger 8 and worried that the older 4 wyandottes will continue to be jerks. I'm going to continue hand feeding and trying to pet them but so far maybe 2-3 don't go into flight/duck and run modes when I try.
So we got chicks from tractor supply. Originally my mom wanted to order online but prices were high and the breeds we wanted were always late shipping dates so today my mom woke me up and said were going shopping and i mentioned tractor supply and she thought about calling and they had just got their shipment in and THEY HAD MY BLACK AUSTRALORPS! I was sooo excited cause everywhere online was out of stock or expensive. So we have black australorp pullets, buff orpington pullets, barred rock pullets and 4 straight run wyandottes. We were told all of them were a day old however the wyandottes look older...

So two questions one

The wyandottes were listed as blue laced but were guessing based on all the chick pictures we've looked up of the different wyandottes they may be silver laced but anyways they look older than the 1 day old chicks not like fluffballs so im guessing their older but I was wondering if anyone has pictures of marked days on chicks so I can compare to guess their age. I'm guessing maybe somewhere around a week.

Also what are some early identifiers to start guessing sexes on wyandottes. Were hoping for a rooster but we are also getting easter eggers, marans from two other people and mixed from our neighbor. So hopefully a rooster comes from one of the four batches lol Apparently my sister in law who will be giving us easter eggers said pointed eggs are roosters but that sounds like a wives tale to me.
I brought my buff Orpington and black laced golden Wyandotte’s from a local farm. I don’t think they hatch them there , I think they resell birds . Anyway my birds have been home one week. And they were probably three days old when I picked up. So they are about 10 days
old . Some are dark and some lighter. But they have wing feathers and most have tail feathers. They are both coming to me when I go into the room.


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