Wedding photo update~ Don't one person yell at me/ coloring my chicken

U know .. Heck, I didn't mind dying my chicken pink for my girlfriend..vein, vanity, whatever is what I say.. It was a beautiful wedding, my chicken is still happy and is well taken care of.. She is spoiled rotten..and really, its the brides day.. If it doesn't hurt anything then,,it's all good with me.

I changed alot after my best friend was killed by a train last year. If another friend wants a pink chicken for her wedding, then so be life we won't all agree..and that's okay too...

But, I do have to ask this? When is a bride not vein???? I personally haven't met one yet..... Hehehehe.. And a 24 hour moment of vanity is alright by me too!!!

Of course it is fulfillment of a one claimed they were saving the world or doing anything important or useful...(except making a friend happy) most wedding planning is fulfillment of a vanity....The clothes we pick out to wear every day and even showering is the fulfillment of a vanity. As long as it is a SMALL part of your life and not the majority of your life than it is human. Even posting a comment criticizing someone for dying a chicken is fulfilling a vanity...the "I am so superior to you because I would never do anything like THAT..." vanity... When we get to heaven we will know perfection...until then...

Thank u Julie..
Very true..very true..
I just hosted my son's wedding reception at my house. the colors were purple and white. I made a purple beaded chandelier to hang over the purple wedding cake with edible flying butterflies and pearls. We made a large candy buffet lit up by strands of blinking lights. I thought that I had thought of everything. Now I know I was wrong. If I had a do-over I would dye my white leghorn purple. What great pictures. I love it!
Congrats... Sounds like it was a beautiful wedding.. My son is the one getting married next.. And her colors are purple and white too..

Looks like purple chickens in the future here...hehehe

I tent to color an animal around Easter nearly every year. A few years ago it was my white Chihuahua and she was purple. This past Easter it was my house chicken George. She loves a bath and will dunk her head everytime. She did so when I was working on her new "do" and she turned her comb and beak Hot pink to match the rest of her. Then after her blow dry she strutted her new doo and was very proud of it.

I don't do it for vain, it's harmless and just plain cool.
I never knew food coloring or koolaid to hurt anything. She's still sporting a pink "do". Even after a molt.
:lol:This is my first post on BYC. I have been checking out all the posts and really enjoying myself. But I must say that the dyed silkie is the cutest thing I
have seen so far. I know a lot of people think it is inhumane to dye animals, but if people puts diapers on their chickens and keep them in their homes,
then having a dyed silkie play a role in a wedding is a great idea. Maybe my granddaughter will want our white silkie in her wedding some day. I have
a white nonsense-maltese mix that I color 2-3 times a year and she loves the attention she gets.

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