Wedding photo update~ Don't one person yell at me/ coloring my chicken

Cute birdy! I used to do this to all my chickens as a kid. In fact I had one which I dyed all the parts of her body different colors. Crest purple,hackles pink, body blue, tail green, wings red if I remember correctly! My birds just love a warm bath (with food coloring). My silkie now is a lavender or I'd put some color on her for fun.
OMG!!! DeerMan I would die to see one of your beautiful Peas dyed pink!!!

my daughter has an all white peahen maybe for breeding season we will pretty her
Luke13:34 :

Two questions: does the color breed true? And.. Is that APA standard?
. Well done. Hope you got video at the wedding.. We are all "dyeing" to see it!

My biggest concerns are that the coloring does not cause medical issues, and since we know that red seems to trigger picking which leads to bleeding, which leads to canibalism, how will they react to pink when you return her to the pen with the others. just food for thought.......hope all goes well no matter what. TOM:D
She is so very adorable! That is just too cute! Now make sure you get some good photos of her! I'd take her photos and use them as Easter cards!!!
Silly question maybe ...but if red triggers pecking then why are they all not covered in blood from pecking as soon as their comb and wattles turn red? thats kind of confusing because they all have bright red on their heads and they would all have their faces pecked to shreds if that were true. So if that is the case why do they not kill each other?
Silly question maybe ...but if red triggers pecking then why are they all not covered in blood from pecking as soon as their comb and wattles turn red? thats kind of confusing because they all have bright red on their heads and they would all have their faces pecked to shreds if that were true. So if that is the case why do they not kill each other?

Good point, RedReiner...I too had wondered about that...

I am so glad you decided to go ahead! The dye is safe, people do it to poodles and such all the time! I truly hope you have some more pics for us! She is truly adorable!

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