Week Old Silkie Question...My silkies dont like me! (PICS)

My three, 5 week old silkies also are very afraid of my handling. My three Rhode Islands are fine, so calm compared to the silkies. And rooster Speckled Sussex is quite calm too. All are 5 weeks old. I am new to chickens too. They do get handled often, but as they get older I do it less. I call the the silkies my Cotton Diva's. They fidget and scream bloody murder when I do finally catch one. . . . .I just figured they are just high maintenance, complaining girlies. They are learning that with me comes food. I give them treats often, not by hand, but they know not to run from me. Who says Silkies don't like ramps? Mine go up just fine, but have issues jumping out onto ramp to get out. All of them, not just the silkies, however, are still trying to figure this out. I am still catching them and placing them on the ramp so they can get out. Only saw one come out on its own, and that was a silky!! In time, I hope they all get it.
I started hand feeding treats with a garden glove. I also bring them in the house in the evening in a large clear tub. I hold them a couple at a time. Talk to them. Pet them, etc. Thing are getting much better. Good luck!
I have a few chickens including a buff bearded silky and a tiny lil silky frizzle... they like to be kept warm... so I cup my hands and blow hot air on them and the snuggle in.... I was extremely surprised at the black copper muran chick was sooooooo friendly, came from a large chicken farm with lots of chicks... indiv. attention was unlikely.... it wants to be held all the time and gets jealous if u pick up another chick and will peck it out of the way and jump on your hand first... lol Also spent sometime with a rock barred pullet that was smaller than her sister so I used to pick hecarrr up and carry her to the kitchen for bread... she likes me and wants attention too. (I have a buff orpingtion pullet as well that follows me and likes sitting in my lap) so I suppose love and attention and bribing with treat incentives may work pretty well on several types of chickens.
A friend is helping me take care of my chicks. Our moving is not going as I wish.
My girls are growing and I miss them. 2 of them almost got out of the crate. It was a close call.
start off keeping yout hand near the feed bowl while they eat and slowly let them eat from your hand thats wat i do with mine and now they run up to me looking for food, good luck silkies are awesome pets, and remember they are just babies so give em time
start off keeping yout hand near the feed bowl while they eat and slowly let them eat from your hand thats wat i do with mine and now they run up to me looking for food, good luck silkies are awesome pets, and remember they are just babies so give em time
My chicks didn't have any choice but to love me and cuddle with me. I keep them in my bedroom and talk to them every time I walk in and out and pick them up for cuddles a million times a day.....even if my chicks didn't like to be picked up before, they sure do now!

Every time I leave the room, their chirping gets really loud like they're mad that I'm leaving them there... lol.
just as most people said they love mealworms and will follow you in a new evirment if you feed give them water and treets my chicks were very scared when i got mine but i hanled them alot and they grew out of it in 1-2 weeks now they they come up to me asking me to pet and give them treats and follow me like when bring them to the front yard and they look for bugs and seeds theyalways dont go farther then 15 feet from me and if i movew they follow they like it at night when the bugs come out and when i put the lamp oustide on the floor all the moths come by the light the chicks eat them and ived notice less moths outside and they love grass hoppers sometimes they even share the grasshoper by one eats one leg another eats a leg and one eats the body and they aslo like prying mantas they dont share that but they like to rip it into to pieces then eat it cause they can be big and canople they like canople water melon corn
Wash your hands after handling them thats all you need to do!!! Most of us have been handling chickens for years and never "caught" anything!!! Handle them as much as possible. yes they will total spaz out for a while. They will still run when you go to pick them up for a while(that's where the treats come in) But very soon as soon a you pick them up they will climb to your shoulders and cuddle with ya!! My chicks all love earth worms!!! They go nuts over them!!

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