Weird egg laying and bloated chest

Thank you so much for your responses. Her diet is as follows. AM dark green lettuce, mealworms, duck high protein scratch.
Pm: corn, peas, strawberries, black eyes peas, squash plus what I feed her in am .Her breath doesn't seem weird. Poops pretty greenish or brown and vary from runny to solid
She was laying perfect before the accident with the bobcat. Guess I'm getting her some oyster shell tomorrow. She is eating Purina game bird chow.- growth and plumage formula.

Calcium depletion is a slow but continuous process... she would lay fine until the drain on her body became too much... it still could be trauma caused, but she still needs the extra calcium...

Just be careful of the protein levels, gamebird feeds *usually* have a bit too much for domestic ducks... Purina Layena would be fine, or Flock Raiser with oyster shell on the side... if you do oyster shell on the side and not a layer feed, just make sure she eats some of the oyster shell regularly... my ducks will self regulate just fine, but some won't eat oyster shell... those ones really need the layer feed with the calcium added in, just fyi...
Calcium depletion is a slow but continuous process... she would lay fine until the drain on her body became too much... it still could be trauma caused, but she still needs the extra calcium...

Just be careful of the protein levels, gamebird feeds *usually* have a bit too much for domestic ducks... Purina Layena would be fine, or Flock Raiser with oyster shell on the side... if you do oyster shell on the side and not a layer feed, just make sure she eats some of the oyster shell regularly... my ducks will self regulate just fine, but some won't eat oyster shell... those ones really need the layer feed with the calcium added in, just fyi...

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