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Dang it I missed sour before he left on his trip :hit If chicken math is correct and naught goes inta naught once and the afore mentioned age was tree quarter of a century and days gained was 365 and and tallies up to one anious and all that means I really don't know just guessing I'd say 76 .Do I get a prize ??????????? Well DO I?????????????:lau

Close, but close only counts in horseshoes. :p
@ sourland Well you slid another one by didn't you . 76 is a good year after all the greatest country on the planet was founded in 1776 . But you should know cause you was there:gig What a pleasure it has been to get to know you . Your steady whit and boundless knowledge are without equal. Loved by all revered by many and the true image of a gentleman . If you were southern you would surly wear a white suit and sell fried chicken .Missed when your away, admired an respected when you are here . What more could one want ? I know gold would be nice, but would pale in comparison to the friendship that many here feel for you . So a happy Birthday to you Sir Sour , Safe travels and a great time . You can fill us in when you get back :bow:bow:bow

Princess happened by as I was reading this. She kissed me and said, "You're a gentleman, mostly, even if you're not Southern." From you, K, this is special = thanks. We had a great time. I have trouble 'living in the moment', but on a beach with a book in hand I can stay still. Read a paper back novel daily, ate lots of seafood and slept a bunch. It was good. You were only off by a year. I'm 77.

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