Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Hello Pond! We need rain too. Had a little sprinkle yesterday. Getting more done on the turkey coop. 20180712_121900.jpg
Friday Friday @FridayYet :wee

Good to see you pop in. I’ve been swamped today! Been helping with a duckling hatch, so that’s about all I’ve been checking. But finally getting a break.

Gotta go meet a fella this evening with some chickens I’m selling. :ya

And we lost one of Malibu’s ducklings to a hawk at 6:30 this morning. Been trying all day to download the recording from my security cam. Pisses me the hell off!! :he and of course it was my last blue bibbed. :hit :hit
If anyone was wondering how many geese you can fit into a hog feed trough, the answer is three juveniles and an angry gander.


:gig:lau:gig That's funny!!! :lau:gig:lau Would be a great pic for the 'other' calendar too!

I float really good I can dog paddle.... and Sort of Tread water... But If I wanna dive... I cant get my asss under water.,..

I was in four feet of water in the carribean... and Had my mask and snorkle... I was floating looking at the bottom and saw a pretty shell. I figured I would reach out and grab it.... Um No...

I dipped my head and upper body down.... Um No...

I tried paddling down. Had my legs flailing in the air.... started to laugh and filled my snorkle up with water. Just about drowned standing up with my head out of water.

So um.... No I dont swim.... I can survive... thats about it.


You guys are cracking me up today!!! :lau:gig:lau

Friday Friday @FridayYet :wee

Good to see you pop in. I’ve been swamped today! Been helping with a duckling hatch, so that’s about all I’ve been checking. But finally getting a break.

Gotta go meet a fella this evening with some chickens I’m selling. :ya

And we lost one of Malibu’s ducklings to a hawk at 6:30 this morning. Been trying all day to download the recording from my security cam. Pisses me the hell off!! :he and of course it was my last blue bibbed. :hit :hit

Ugh! Total suck!!! :(:hugs

Hey all. Orr's having surgery today. :fl:fl:fl Fingers crossed here for a smooth, uncomplicated procedure.
Friday Friday @FridayYet :wee

Good to see you pop in. I’ve been swamped today! Been helping with a duckling hatch, so that’s about all I’ve been checking. But finally getting a break.

Gotta go meet a fella this evening with some chickens I’m selling. :ya

And we lost one of Malibu’s ducklings to a hawk at 6:30 this morning. Been trying all day to download the recording from my security cam. Pisses me the hell off!! :he and of course it was my last blue bibbed. :hit :hit
DAM IT!!!! :hit:hit:hit:hit:hit
Hanging in there! Still doing rain dances but they haven’t worked yet.
Hang a load of laundry on the line.. always seems to bring rain here.:confused:
Good to see ya Friday! :hugs:hugs
Hi Pond!!! :frow
Thirty pages behind so I am guilty of a bit of cruisin' thru. Sounds like all is pretty well, minus the customer fall, Phil's poor truck and the lesbian ducks :eek:

IT'S FINALLY RAINING! :wee:wee:wee
A little too late for some of the smaller trees and probably sections of the field but maybe not:fl At least no crazy camper from the city set fire to anything big, whew!

Rumble, rain, a little break to go out and check on the chooks, rumble, rain, rumble, rain. Just exactly the day we needed!!! (and prayed for, thank you Lord! :D )

Only bad thing about it is now I have no excuse to not stay inside and get caught up on my housework, so I'll be back later,
Have a great day Pondites!!! :love
Woohoo RAIN!! :celebrate
Hope it sticks around long enough to do yall some good! :fl
Friday Friday @FridayYet :wee

Good to see you pop in. I’ve been swamped today! Been helping with a duckling hatch, so that’s about all I’ve been checking. But finally getting a break.

Gotta go meet a fella this evening with some chickens I’m selling. :ya

And we lost one of Malibu’s ducklings to a hawk at 6:30 this morning. Been trying all day to download the recording from my security cam. Pisses me the hell off!! :he and of course it was my last blue bibbed. :hit :hit
Selling is always a good thing.. :highfive:

Poor lil thing... dam it ...Nat im so sorry!:( :hugs

Sadly there is no Other calendar this year :(
That's a shame. Is a great pic!:love
Finally home. Hot n muggy in town. Im glad the grands werent with me today. They'd have been misserable ...

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