Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Hip is doing well.... Pretty much back to normal now.
Awesome . Just keep going you can get the buggy restored a little at a time . :lau :(I,m past the point to get a classy chassis though .More near the vinyl top stage of life :lau . Is it your Birthday ? whoops that was yesterday . That makes this a belated happy birthday now :oops:
Evening ponders,
sounds like lots of great news while I was away from the pond!!! :clap
Been a bit busy now that I can do more. Getting caught up on chores etc. Thought I would have a better day tomorrow but the DH's eldest son called a little while ago and announced he's coming up tomorrow to do,,,,,,something. He's already been eyeing up the place as his as soon as dad passes. long story, let's just say I made the mistake of trusting him for many years, then he made the mistake of showing his hand. He does not know I have forgiven but not forgotten and I have since protected myself should I be last to go, good luck taking my home from me child.
Ok, sorry. Unnecessary vent. All better now.
I've been watching a similar story with the son of the people who own the main house.
It's a very sad two way game. They tempt him with inheritance as long as he does what they think are the right things with his life. Imo neither party will do anything that will benefit the land or the local community. It's a never ending circle of 'I want' centered on control and money.
I want your love ===== no I want your love
Here is a car ===== here is a better car
Here is a horse ===== Here is a trip to...

On and ON

Be good or we will take away the horse
That horse is why you arent dating

Then the attention stops.... and there goes the childs self worth...
Interest in the attentions of the child stop... and there goes interest in anything.

See what I did....
Thats nice but why didnt you do that
Thats OK but a better way is....
I love doing this and want to succeed

No wonder the child has a negative core value... Dangled gifts for success in different directions... instead of real guidance.

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