Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Thanks everybody! Just happy to get some answers. have a great night and TTYL
Yay for chicks and for good friends
Had to cancel all my other quotes when I saw these :love

Awwww... :hugs

Why, why you should be ashamed.  :rant

Wait, they look pretty darn good.  Is somebody else taking care of them while you paddle in the Pond?

Yeah, sure... pay them in meal worms too... ;)

Maybe she googled Call Duck pics.....



If she did, she would probably find her own pics! :D

Actually, I did once... :lau

ohhh my!!! what did i miss here today!!!!:lau  The "kids" took me out today for their last day of classroom testing-they all passed EKG's with flying colors! They got to the restaurant before me and told the waitress to card me so I didnt feel old!!!!:oops:  But we won a $20 gift card cause my old A** knew 70's 80's & 90's music trivia!!! :plbb  hand surgeon tomorrow for me... wish me luck :highfive:  oh and 3 of stans last eggs hatched!!! one more pipped and 2 more TBD... :woot



PS-DISCLAIMER!!!!!! My photos are true representation of me and my birds... otherwise I would have my hair and makeup done and be 30 lbs thinner and my bird would have been Champion CO...... ROO like
 :lau  good nite Scum!!!:plbb  

I know, right?!?!?! :gig

G"Night! :frow
Thank you! I am at the point where it's just "cut me open and do what you have to do"... I typed so much more but I will leave the rant and just wait and see-thank you for the well wishes but having gone through the same thing, I think you and I are both realists....
The chicks are exciting and I just went egg crazy! I pick up new babies from my serama breeder after my appointment so at least I have something to look forward to!
so glad the students and my boss were with me tonight-hand was hurting and beer was tasting really good.......
I'm thinking your tear is probably worst than mine was. If the doc had said Ok, we can go in and do x.y.z, I probably would have had surgery. The conversation had way to many mights, maybes and coulds to make me confident that it would really help. Who knows - I might have healed faster if they had done surgery.

Love the wrist brace with the metal spoon underneath and the laces up the back. I could tighten them when I lifted, and loosen them when I just needed less support.

Good luck mel!

Arggg! BYC Won't let me upload pics from my phone again.

Gone all day and came home to a surprise cria!

Pics tomorrow when I am on the computer. More details too.

Congratulations on your new little one! I bet it's adorable.

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