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You mean blinking actually works
We all learn something new every day, I guess.

Learned that in Yoga class. Breathe slowly, blink --repeat, repeat, repeat -- good for the soul and psyche.

Friday that's it. It's not about going 'there' -- just remaining in the moment. Something I try to do, but am generally one step or more ahead of myself - tiring indeed.
Just pointing out how Chris seems to automatically point out the..... oh never mind. I knew what you were saying.

I don't think about the blinking as much, But focused breathing can be very grounding. A little mindfulness can do wonders.
Thank you sour!!! you made my day!!!!! Everybody needs to watch it to give their life perspective today!!!! I now know that no matter what happens with my hand-I will always have work because of "Pants on the Ground"!!!!
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