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a little brag on one of my boys......

since this one is really into knives (like any good boy should be), pocket knives, hunting knives, machetes......all of them, but especially the larger blades.

we decided for Christmas to get him a knife making kit. actually, that is a little misleading, it's more of a knife handle making kit. we purchased the blank.


15" OAL with 9" of blade. I also got him the scales (handle material) I opted for walnut.


decently hard wood, but easily worked and shaped with sanding. plus it takes a great finish.

here are some progress pics. I didn't get any pics of the shaping, since most of it was done on a belt sander, and constant attention was required.

drilling the holes (usually better done on a drill press, but if a person is careful, you can use a hand drill)

next on to the two part epoxy, that will help hold the scales (handle material) to the blade. Pins also help, that is what the holes are for.

portioning out the epoxy.

after we let it set up over night, we got the shaping of the handle done, and then it was on to the final sanding. by far, the least fun part of the job......

and while he still has several courses of sanding to go, with progressively finer and finer sandpaper, he is well on his way to completing the knife.

after we finish the knife, we will start on the sheath for this monster.......

Absolutely love it!! I think its awesome that he is into that. The variety of lessons and skills learned will last him a lifetime!
Day 14 candle. It appears I have two bad eggs, they are the only ones that slosh and both lack visible veins both on the embryo itself and throughout the egg which all the others have.

Still great for a first-time homemade bator!!

Don't worry, we steered you back on course

I had no doubt.
TK, looks like the boy know's what he is doing.

Absolutely love it!! I think its awesome that he is into that. The variety of lessons and skills learned will last him a lifetime!
oh I can foresee all the kids wanting to do this, especially after we finish this one. I've already been hearing from the youngers about when will it be their turn.

I need to dig around in my scrap leather pile to see if I have some pieces large enough for this blade. otherwise, Tandy may be getting some business from me.
Yeah. Only down to 13.
Just one more week.

I'll probably crack the two open later with my brother since he's been wanting to do that.

If they are sloshy and dark, I'd suggest putting them in a Ziploc bag, before cracking open! Then open at your nose's risk.

Oh, and do it outside.... Just in case!

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