Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

And I thought I had a one-track mind!
Lol, sorry nothing interesting there! I've used treeroot before; guess I just don't like having to come up with new names
. I was a tree planter for a couple summers so maybe that's where it stemmed from originally..and hey...who doesn't like trees?

You every met a long throne Black Locus .
the only thing I hate as much as a rat
You one of those ???????? If not your ok. You can stay either way .though . just pick a vacant Lillie pad and hop on .
Prepare to be disappointed!

I was replanting clear cuts; paid by the sapling. Hard work, but good money if you could stick with it.

:gig ok. Anybody can answer this one. I have 2 persimmons started from seeds 2-3 years ago. Still in pots inside. They still haven't lost their leaves this year, although they did last year. I never watered them thru last winter, but watered in the spring and they sprouted again. Now I'm trying to figure out whether to keep watering this winter or what.

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