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not enough to where I can say i can do my "old" job which I love.... cardiac care... I am fighting through the pain but it makes it tough when I say mt hand/wrist give ay from it when I lift... only time and therapy will tell. My boss of the dept. called me the other day and told me not to worry so I'm not. Thats the best i can do...
Thanks to everybody for checking up on me-it is greatly appreciated

Well you just stay positive and do what the therapist has you do and it'll come back . Take time heal Mel
So I got a hydrometer/ thermometer and put in my incubator, it's reading 34% the one we used last time is reading 35% but the bator has been on all day and I haven't added any water yet.

You got pictures of them Did you calibrate either one ? you should know how after all the time you've spent on the BYC. Ravyn = ducks so ask Momma Duck them questions I'm going to bed 4 am still comes at 4 am but it's awful early .
I have that pic with a meme... but it doesn't say that! :lau
Don't worry about 1%... it's fine...

Lol :p

I'm not worried about the 1% it's the fact that there's no water in the bator that's confusing, when I did the very first test run it didn't have water and dropped to about 20% within a couple hours, it's been running all day with no water and is still reading 34%. I don't think it's so humid out side that it should be reading that but I could be wrong. :idunno
You got pictures of them Did you calibrate either one ? you should  know how after all the time you've spent on the BYC. Ravyn = ducks so ask Momma Duck  them questions I'm going to bed 4 am still comes at 4 am but it's awful early .

G'Night, K... :frow :hugs

Lol :p

I'm not worried about the 1% it's the fact that there's no water in the bator that's confusing, when I did the very first test run it didn't have water and dropped to about 20% within a couple hours, it's been running all day with no water and is still reading 34%. I don't think it's so humid out side that it should be reading that but I could be wrong. :idunno

You been getting rain off and on lately like we have? Perfectly normal then... mine usually run around 30% dry...
So I have a strange question: when ordering from a hatchery, there are always future dates given of hatches, and how many will be available as male, female, and straight run.

*Mar 20, 2017 Cream Legbar from Meyer

Female: 65
St. Run: 100+
Male: 84

Am I just not the sharpest tool in the shed on this? How is this determined?

Averages for estimated eggs laid based upon the last year...

My issue with that though is the straight run... Legbars are autosexing, so they shouldn't have a straight run... :/

Btw, examples of the Legbars I have seen from others that have purchased from them, I wouldn't recommend getting those... jmo...

Nah. That was just an example. Its something I've always wondered about.
I don't recall rain in the last week but it's supposed to rain most of this week so maybe the outside humidity is higher than I think, I'm probably just over thinking things. :p

Yep, sounds like it... less thinking/worrying/stressing over the little things and you'll end up more successful... ;)

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