Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

If I was independently wealthy, I would be a snow bird.
I hate them when they are down here because they are obnoxious- but I can see living someplace else over the summer than here.
or anytime really.
Florida filled up past its comfort level.

We feel the same way about those people driving around here with oranges on there plates.....don't you guys have to use turn signals?.....:lau. Just teasing

Kersplash, I finally got here.  Firm believer in gun rights, have several of my own - can not comprehend how/why anyone should be allowed to own an assault weapon.  I just don't get it.

Someone is going to have to wring those little ducklings out.  :p

I don't know Sour...I own several of them.......but then again I'm a crazy prepper that really believes trouble is brewing
Phil, I very carefully give wide berth to those with the green and white plates with the little oranges on them.
I understand where 3ge is coming from. Once while visiting Mom in Fla. we went to the grocery store. She had me park far away from the store, and when I questioned why, she said, "These old farts around here can't drive, and I don't want my car getting messed up." As we walked to the store some guy with 'Northern' plates on his big ole Cadillac proceeded to hit the cars on either side of him and the one behind him as he pulled out of his parking space. "Now do you understand?" she said.
Kersplash, I finally got here.  Firm believer in gun rights, have several of my own - can not comprehend how/why anyone should be allowed to own an assault weapon.  I just don't get it.

Someone is going to have to wring those little ducklings out.  :p

I agree...

And nope... 5 mins outside and they were fluffy dry... :gig

Wait wait wait wait!
Wrong thread for that request. nevermind, nevermind, nevermind.


My wife was disappointed that I couldn't pick her out.....:/

Smallest dark one... I tried to keep her in the middle of the shot...

Here's another, but shorter one... she is super stubborn, tried to get her to take a break but she still insisted on paddling with one web...


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