Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Completely valid and understandable. I hate not knowing, too. I always figure at least if I know what's going on, then we can move on and deal with it.
Not everyone presents with classic, textbook symptoms, and sometimes that throws them for a loop.
Three years ago, I had to have a total hip replacement. The months before that, I can barely remember. I was taking 4 ibuprofen every morning just to get through the day at school, coming home and taking Tramadol to get through the night, going to the chiropractor once a week or so to get my ribs put back in place because my whole pelvis and spine were out of whack because I had no cartilage left in my hip... Yeah, constant pain takes a lot out of a person. It also made me pretty cranky.

Praying that someone can find some answers for you soon!

Wow, that's a tough go, bobbi-j! :hugs :hugs How's the hip now?

Tramadol...that's what the doc today prescribed me for the pain. I've never heard of it until now. Based on what I read, not something I can take when I go to work?

I get that..Lol
You can always pm me if ya need to rant...:p

:hugs Thanks! May take you up on that.
Dawn told me to F-off earlier, lol... I consider it a term of endearment! :lau

Sent it, might be a bit before I hear back from her, but I will let you know... :hugs

Way too true... she also has one of the severest cases known in the medical community... only 1 other that was similar, her best friend, and she unfortunately committed suicide 2 years ago... enduring unending pain is no joke... :(
No...It's truly not!!! Makes getting out of bed seem daunting at best most days....
Do you still have problems with it?
Not that one, but I'm afraid the other one is going. I honestly don't remember if the one I had fixed felt like what's going on on the other side now or not. I just know that I don't want to wait as long as I did last time. My chiropractor had told me in July of that year it was probably my hip and I should have x-rays. I'm stubborn and keep thinking, "It'll get better." so I didn't have them done until October. (I thought it was getting better, but I was just getting more and more sedentary because moving hurt. I found out when I went back to school that it was still there) Saw the specialist Oct. 10, who said, "Well, your hip is at the end of the road. You will need surgery, but I won't tell you when - you tell me when you want to do it." I said, "Sign me up." Had it done the day before Thanksgiving. (I am going to the chiropractor on Monday for my back. If she can't fix it, the next step is my Dr.)

"Wow, that's a tough go, bobbi-j! :hugs :hugs How's the hip now?

Tramadol...that's what the doc today prescribed me for the pain. I've never heard of it until now. Based on what I read, not something I can take when I go to work?"

That's weird - this post did not show up on my BYC! The hip is good. I couldn't take the Tramadol before I went to work. Made me very sleepy. (But then, anything that says, "May Cause Drowsiness" puts me out like a light.) It worked for me when I took it.
No...It's truly not!!! Makes getting out of bed seem daunting at best most days....

:hugs :hugs

You folks mean a lot to me! This is how careful I am so I do my best not to hurt anyone's feelings. I find myself reading here & losing track...(thanks to pain induced brain fog & who knows, maybe a touch of old age). I tend to quote, but forget to like or meaning to quote, I hit like and forget to quote. I literally just now went back two pages because I was worried that I forgot to like some posts.

I want ya'll to know this because it's possible that I'll forget. If I do, it isn't intentional.
:hugs :hugs

You folks mean a lot to me! This is how careful I am so I do my best not to hurt anyone's feelings. I find myself reading here & losing track...(thanks to pain induced brain fog & who knows, maybe a touch of old age). I tend to quote, but forget to like or meaning to quote, I hit like and forget to quote. I literally just now went back two pages because I was worried that I forgot to like some posts.

I want ya'll to know this because it's possible that I'll forget. If I do, it isn't intentional.
Oh, Debs... :hugs You just worry about getting better. Once the Drs can figure out what's going on and you're not in constant pain anymore, everything will be so much better. You will be able to think more clearly, you will have a better outlook on life, and your days will be so much brighter. I don't think anyone will lose sleep over the fact that you didn't "like" a post, or forgot to quote something. I shouldn't speak for others, though, so I'll just say that I won't. Still pretty sure there are others who will forgive you, too. ;)
:hugs :hugs Sheesh, glad you made it home! :hugs :hugs

Sorry! :hugs

:fl Flockin doctors. Good luck! :fl :hugs




:lau :clap

Amen to that. :hugs

:lau :lau

I wish! :mad: :he :barnie

Safe travels, Walnut! :hugs

No diagnosis. They did bloodwork & a CT scan. Ruled out I was in immediate danger & sent me on my way. Doc did prescribe me a couple of things that should help. One of them is for the pain. Sure hope the GI doc has some good ideas on the 27th!!! :fl
Oh, Debs... :hugs You just worry about getting better. Once the Drs can figure out what's going on and you're not in constant pain anymore, everything will be so much better. You will be able to think more clearly, you will have a better outlook on life, and your days will be so much brighter. I don't think anyone will lose sleep over the fact that you didn't "like" a post, or forgot to quote something. I shouldn't speak for others, though, so I'll just say that I won't. Still pretty sure there are others who will forgive you, too. ;)

:hugs Thanks! All very true.

Thanks, pert. Back at ya! :hugs
:hugs :hugs

You folks mean a lot to me! This is how careful I am so I do my best not to hurt anyone's feelings. I find myself reading here & losing track...(thanks to pain induced brain fog & who knows, maybe a touch of old age). I tend to quote, but forget to like or meaning to quote, I hit like and forget to quote. I literally just now went back two pages because I was worried that I forgot to like some posts.

I want ya'll to know this because it's possible that I'll forget. If I do, it isn't intentional.

Heh, my ADD, OCD and Autism are not co-existing well anymore... I read, swear I reply, then find out I didn't way later... miss seeing posts all the flockin' time, forget to hit quote, yadda, yadda, yadda... doesn't mean we don't care, just means we're a little off right now... :hugs

Oh, Debs... :hugs You just worry about getting better. Once the Drs can figure out what's going on and you're not in constant pain anymore, everything will be so much better. You will be able to think more clearly, you will have a better outlook on life, and your days will be so much brighter. I don't think anyone will lose sleep over the fact that you didn't "like" a post, or forgot to quote something. I shouldn't speak for others, though, so I'll just say that I won't. Still pretty sure there are others who will forgive you, too. ;)


And :hugs for you too!!!

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