Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

It's hard to be yourself when in constant pain. Wish you weren't going through all this. Your probably about right on one of those diagnosis. Wish there was an easy fix for ya
They sure take their sweet time getting you in to a specialist don't they!

Yep, thanks, Shaw! :hugs The ER doc recommended a GI doc. Called that one when I got home thinking maybe he could see me sooner. His first available appointments were sometime in Nov. :eek: I made this appointment I have on 9/27 at least a week ago.

Thanks. I'll take some photos coming into and going out of Houston. My sister's place is still inaccessible by land, still no power, and no phone lines.

If she is up to it, we'll pull the Firebird out for a Saturday night show and shine, and maybe go fishing if the coastal towns made it through okay. I'll check the fishing reports while I'm there.

Enjoy! Hope things get back to normal soon for your sister!
I've done tons of reading. My guess is Crohn's disease or gastroparesis. The pain is constant and has eliminated hunger pains. I very rarely actually feel hungry and when I do eat, I can't tell when I'm getting full. Accidentally getting my tummy overfull is a mistake I pay for. The pain is at it's worst then. It's mainly my upper mid abdomen. There are other pains that change as well. This has been going on since the 3rd week in July. I've just had it. It's making me cranky sometimes & I don't like me then.

Sweetie, I am gonna copy this and send it over to my friend and see what she says... I never asked her how or when she got diagnosed... she might have more first hand info...

Glad you got something for pain at least! Btw, she has a lot of pain as well, but most of her docs say "shouldn't be pain"... :rolleyes:
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Sweetie, I am gonna copy this and send it over to my friend and see what she says... I never asked her how or when she git diagnosed... she might have more first hand info...

Glad you got something for pain at least! Btw, she has a lot of pain as well, but most of her docs say "shouldn't be pain"... :rolleyes:

Thanks, Rav! I appreciate it. :bow :hugs

Well, we all know what's going on so feel free to cram that foot in yer mouth here anytime ya feel the need!!!!!;)

Thanks, but I'll be as careful as I can as always. Not everyone is as forgiving. :hugs :hugs
Yeah, not knowing is the worst! Doesn't help matters that I've had cancer as has many in my family. I'm worried it's gonna crop up again somewhere.

Thanks, Al! :hugs
Completely valid and understandable. I hate not knowing, too. I always figure at least if I know what's going on, then we can move on and deal with it.

Sweetie, I am gonna copy this and send it over to my friend and see what she says... I never asked her how or when she git diagnosed... she might have more first hand info...

Glad you got something for pain at least! Btw, she has a lot of pain as well, but most of her docs say "shouldn't be pain"... :rolleyes:
Not everyone presents with classic, textbook symptoms, and sometimes that throws them for a loop.
Sure does wear me out. Sometimes feel like I'm in a fog. Easy to kind of put my foot in my mouth, unfortunately. SMH
Thanks, FMF! :hugs
Three years ago, I had to have a total hip replacement. The months before that, I can barely remember. I was taking 4 ibuprofen every morning just to get through the day at school, coming home and taking Tramadol to get through the night, going to the chiropractor once a week or so to get my ribs put back in place because my whole pelvis and spine were out of whack because I had no cartilage left in my hip... Yeah, constant pain takes a lot out of a person. It also made me pretty cranky.

Praying that someone can find some answers for you soon!
Thanks, Rav! I appreciate it. :bow :hugs

Thanks, but I'll be as careful as I can as always. Not everyone is as forgiving. :hugs :hugs

Dawn told me to F-off earlier, lol... I consider it a term of endearment! :lau

Sent it, might be a bit before I hear back from her, but I will let you know... :hugs

Not everyone presents with classic, textbook symptoms, and sometimes that throws them for a loop.

Way too true... she also has one of the severest cases known in the medical community... only 1 other that was similar, her best friend, and she unfortunately committed suicide 2 years ago... enduring unending pain is no joke... :(
Completely valid and understandable. I hate not knowing, too. I always figure at least if I know what's going on, then we can move on and deal with it.

Not everyone presents with classic, textbook symptoms, and sometimes that throws them for a loop.

Three years ago, I had to have a total hip replacement. The months before that, I can barely remember. I was taking 4 ibuprofen every morning just to get through the day at school, coming home and taking Tramadol to get through the night, going to the chiropractor once a week or so to get my ribs put back in place because my whole pelvis and spine were out of whack because I had no cartilage left in my hip... Yeah, constant pain takes a lot out of a person. It also made me pretty cranky.

Praying that someone can find some answers for you soon!
Do you still have problems with it?

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