Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

it just sprung to my tiny mind
wonder what it takes to have a golden version? The mind boggles
Your mind is boggling!

Possibly. Guess there must be a scout badge for watersports?
There is, but not the kind you are thinking of.

Could be a worse split for sure. I have at least 3 males, and 5-6 females (including Itty Bitty), so I'll have to get rid of some too.

Co.... roo magnets, we are.
Why do the boys have to be so pretty? I hate getting rid of them.

Maybe there's a badge for shooting darts?
Not that I remember.

first out for the actual new years day hatch, a full 1.5days early.
Hey everybody. Just got done reading the posts. @WVduckchick and @sourland thanks for the serama referrals! Not sure I can help either one of them right now but can hopefully point them in the right direction!
(Soft Hug
) Congrats on all the chicks and pips and duck eggs everybody! @WVduckchick I am wondering if maybe you hatched a micro or A class and maybe the other 2 are C class??? as far as the feather quality, maybe they mated 2 silkies or a silkie and a frizzle??? Mine are so tiny until they hit 2 months or so.. and I can definitely see a difference from the birds I hatch in size versus some shipped eggs I receive.. Also could be a pullet egg versus a hen egg..... Very interesting to see the size difference though...


The tiny one is definitely silkied, and maybe a micro, but her whole development looks delayed. Since she is silkied, I'm giving her every chance, and doing all I can do. I really want her to make it! She likes to snuggle under my chin.

I haven't even looked at the egg weights to see if she was from one of the smaller eggs. I need to check that. Thanks for knocking that brain cell into place. LOL

Wow, that is small! Got any poop pictures?


Got a microscope?
I'll get a pic for you this afternoon. Always very tiny, but otherwise normal looking.

go flowers go!

x2 Go Flowers!
Getting ready to drive an hour and a half to find some white stuff--should keep me from messing with the humidity (darn sensor keeps falling off where I had it--less humid where it landed :barnie )
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