Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Thank you!

I'm thinking of surrounding the feeder with welded wire. The poultry will be able to poke their heads through, but the pig won't. Doesn't solve the turkey or duck issue, but at least I'm hoping it would keep the pig out of the feed.

Lol, typical animals, you work hard for them and they ignore it :rolleyes:

Thank you :hugs My grandmother passed away seven years ago, so I had already made peace with that and it wasn't too hard. Same with my aunt, she passed away two years ago. We were just waiting so we could bury them all together, as they wanted.

Thanks! They sure are silly birds. They look ridiculous when they go running around like that, flapping their wings :p


Nice pics. I picked up alot of wing flapping pics too. They hold still enough for the camera to sleep, then they flap, and wake it up.

Well, this sucks big and hairy ones... moving pics around into albums and then suddenly my camera wouldn't save pics... my SD card became corrupted... guess I lost all my pics... :(

No cloud backup? I copy some of my better ones, but not every one. And I've gotten a few sd card errors too, but they usually repair ok. <knock on wood>

Good morning Pond. Monday again.

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