Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

I remember Ken (kwhites) telling me once why he stated two different birthdays, but I can’t remember why now. Regardless, I have today as his 80th. I was just re-reading his last message to me. He was complaining about humidity, and said he was going to put some mutt eggs in the incubator when he returned from seeing his son. He was going to bring me the extra chicks. Man, it all ended so quickly. Actually, as far as I know, Toby Keith’s cancer took him quickly too.

He was a really nice guy. I remember, he drove to my house to pick up an extra roo that I had (the one that was in his profile picture smoking the pipe). He got lost on some access road to the windmills trying to find our house and we had to go rescue him lol
Good morning Pond! It's been a busy winter. I received some chicks last week and I have more coming in tomorrow or Thursday. I now have Black Majesty marans, Sapphire Olive eggers, Cornish crosses, Lavender orpingtons, a buff orpington, welsummers, and silver laced Wyandottes! I'm most excited about the last breed. One of my old friends had Blue Red Wyandottes and I was always so jealous lol!

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