welded wire ?


In the Brooder
May 19, 2015
i will be using welded wire or hardware cloth on my chicken run just wondering what everybody uses to secure it to the posts I was thinking those hammer in staples but any other suggestions would be great
We used 2 inch staples plus every 3 feet or so used a screw with a penny for a washer.

We did not however use the penny/screw on the top of the enclosure. Yesterday evening we had a bad storm with lots of wind. We had zip tied a tarp last week to the top for shade. Well the wind was strong enough to use the tarp like a sail and rip up some of the wire. So the staples alone are not enough. If wind could pull it up I am betting a very hungry predator could as well. We will be adding more pennys and screws to the top this weekend!
Not my coop, but this is how I plan on doing it. This is another member's coop. She used a washer and a large head screw. She also said you can use one screw/washer where 2 pieces meet, and it will still hold fine. I think this is the best way I've seen so far. My dad is a builder, and he agrees that this is the way to go.

Hi Nupe, Yep I have lots of air tools including stapler this works fine for hardware cloths.

Mims, that is indeed a very good method.

For most of heavy duty hardware cloth fastening I use screws but I use 1x2 or 1x4 material in place of those washers, by using the boards, there is no part of the hardware cloth that is free or could be pulled loose by any critters, and my wife likes the more finished look (happy wife, happy life). The boards also mean I don't fumble with washers (I would drop quite a few).

I also use 1/4" hardware cloth and for that I use my air stapler and use batten boards the same way I use the 1 by material listed above. Our coop has this material covering all the air vents and on top of the hardware cloth (to the outside) I have metal window screen material held with staples and batten boards. For any predator to get inside they have to go through three layers of increasingly heavier materials and this is after they have managed to get into the run in the first place. By that time I would be there with one of my dispatching tools (rifle or pistol) and it would be the end of their story.

I use a fastener similar to the bigheel models for our 14 and 12 gauge 2" x 4" x 4' tall perimeter fences where they are attached to wood fence poles, the T- poles are where the fencing is wired tight, all our fencing is stretched tight with a come-along before being fastened in place. The hardware cloths are also stretched but they can not be pulled quite as tight as the true fencing.
We are using 16 gauge welded 1/2" x 1/2'' wire cloth and securing it with the galvanized 3/4'' hammer in staples. Then I'll put a 1'' by 4'' (or 6") trim board over that for extra support and screw those in.
i will be using welded wire or hardware cloth on my chicken run just wondering what everybody uses to secure it to the posts I was thinking those hammer in staples but any other suggestions would be great
I just used some galvanized hammer in staples to connect welded wire to childproof a deck. Very secure. I am going to use the the leftover nails to secure hardware cloth to a chicken tractor I will build. Welded wire I believe (2"x4") is too big of openings if you have weasels.

3baymares, that's exactly what I've done here. and it works very well. We just tore down my old run, and replaced it with a shingle roofed structure with hardware cloth covered with 2"x4" woven wire on three sides. Love it! Mary
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