(Well-meaning) human predators in the chicken run, Oh No!

I was a child in the 70s and I knew better but I would still going to peoples property and play with their animals every so often. To kids that love animals it is huge temptation LOL and they sometimes conveniently forget their manners. I’m not trying to negate what you said I was just mentioning that some of these kids may know all things things and just get caught up in the moment.

I suspect these boys just got caught up in the moment, too. They came over to visit the chicks, bearing kitchen scraps to feed the birds. It had been raining that morning and I had yet to let the chicks out into the run. I'm sure the boys were disappointed the birds were in the coop, and being boys (like I was too), probably knew a good way to correct that problem. At least they were going to try to free the birds. Fortunately, I was there at the time getting ready to feed the chicks and let them out. So, in the end, everything worked out.
I think you missed your chance. You handled it well. This incident has given you the opportunity to consider how you would handle it in the future. If the kids came through an unlocked gate maybe you should put a lock on it. Anything you say now will cause hard feelings on both sides.
I would not like the kids in my chicken pen either! Yes get a padlock on it. Our whole yard is fenced so have not had that problem yet. But my niece who does not have a fence in the front of her property has had kids in her pen, and it is at the back of the property! A padlock stopped the intruders. But full fence in coming soon!
I think you missed your chance. You handled it well. This incident has given you the opportunity to consider how you would handle it in the future. If the kids came through an unlocked gate maybe you should put a lock on it. Anything you say now will cause hard feelings on both sides.

Thank you for the response. I was fortunate in that I received many comments and suggestions in case the kids did come back. They did. And I had a nice conversation with them, gave them some food to feed the chicks, and before long the chicks were eating out of their little hands. Everything worked out better than I could have hope for. Again, many thanks to all who responded to my request.
I would not like the kids in my chicken pen either! Yes get a padlock on it. Our whole yard is fenced so have not had that problem yet. But my niece who does not have a fence in the front of her property has had kids in her pen, and it is at the back of the property! A padlock stopped the intruders. But full fence in coming soon!

Yes, going into the chicken run is crossing boundaries and I will be getting a set of locks for the coop and run. Fortunately, I was given another chance with the kids and everything worked out great. Thanks for the response.

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