Welsh harlequin ducks, all girls maybe?

Really the dark head maybe a female. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a female with that dark of head.
I was totally thrown when my two girls started getting darker and darker on their head. I was expecting all silver or white and I ended up with one that is tan/sable and one that is all white with a silver/black head. They are very unique and beautiful but it makes me wonder if their offspring will be stuck with colored heads now or if maybe it won’t carry on. Might be getting some more WH if that is the case.

The WH are the two furthest away. This was almost a month ago but only the one in the back has darkened up more. The tan one is pretty much the same. @21hens-incharge I am so jealous of yours! That is what I was expecting.
Thank you all for your input. I think I'll try to voice sex them when I put them up for the night. Because I let my Muscovy raise them, they aren't particularly trusting. She's as suspicious as they get lol. But im slowly winning everyone over with treats. I would be really happy with a trio or all girls. But worst case scenario I can always order some sexed girls next year.

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