Welsummer, Black Copper Marans, and Australorps


11 Years
Nov 17, 2009
Federal Way, WA
Anyone know a hatchery that sells Welsummer pullets, Black Copper Marans pullets, and Australorp pullets? We are looking to get all 3, but are having trouble finding a place that carries all 3 breeds.
I think that the Black Copper Marans will be the ones that you will have trouble finding at a hatchery. You may need to get them from a breeder. Or decide that Cuckoo Marans will be okay. Lots of hatcheries sell Cuckoo Marans.

Good luck!
If you want dark eggs from your black copper and wellsummer I suggest getting them from a breeder. Will marrow has delewares, wellsummer, and black coppers. He won't sell pullets though just eggs and chicks. Most hatcheries sell poor quality birds in the marans and wellsummer.
Good luck,
The longer the Marans egg stays in the hen, the darker the egg color. Selecting for darker eggs has also selected for slower production. I get about 3-4 a week from my Cuckoo.

I think Australorps have the world record for most eggs in a year or something like that, so they are certainly more productive.

I can't speak for the Wellies, but I suspect they lay more than Marans and less than Australorps.
I raise, breed, and show Welsummers. You can see pics of my birds and eggs on my webiste. Just FYI, my Welsummer cockerel took Best Continental at the State Fair this year. Having said that, I would encourage you to do a search on here for Welsummers and Hatcheries. I think you will find the info helpful. The short of it is, you will very likely be disappointed if you buy Welsummers from a hatchery.

Also, if you are interested in Bantam Black Australorps, my breeder has them. They are quite rare.

If you'd like to send me an email, I will send you additional information on the lineage/history of my birds. You are less than two hours from me.

God Bless,
It looks like Tailfeathers is no longer active on the forum. Welsummers don't seem too hard to find now. I got some at my local farm supply store this spring.
Anyone know a hatchery that sells Welsummer pullets, Black Copper Marans pullets, and Australorp pullets? We are looking to get all 3, but are having trouble finding a place that carries all 3 breeds.

i know meyer hatchery sells all those in chick forms but idk about pullets:)

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