Were to order few numbers of quail (Adults are fine too)

micah wotring

Apr 6, 2015
WV boy here!
So I have ducks, turkeys, chickens, and really want to get some quail.

But I can't fine anywhere that sells them in small quantitys.

I want to buy like 10 but most of the min. order is 30, 50, or 100.

I think grown quail might be sold in pairs or trios somewhere but I can't find any.

I looked on craigslist but can't find any close enough.

If anyone has any that you could ship me or knows of someplace that can please tell me.

Do you incubate at all? If so you can find about any quantity of eggs for quail your wanting. Just always that risk of incubating shipped eggs.
I did but only one out of 17 hatched and it died a few days later.

I ordered a hova-bator with an egg turner with quail racks so as soon as it comes I will try again.

The last incubator didn't work very well so I'm hoping this one will hatch out most of the eggs I give it.

I would really like to order a few live ones though.

Thanks for the reply though @Trapper Luke

No problem! I'm in the same boat myself, I'm just getting into quail. I know where your coming from trying to find small quantities or chicks/adults within driving distance. I just got a hova bator myself! Three mutations of bobwhite are due to start hatching the 23rd. Good luck in your findings! Don't give up!

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