Were to order few numbers of quail (Adults are fine too)

I pair my breeders up 1/7 to start with. That way I can lose 1, cull 1, and end up with 5 nice handpicked hens for the season. 1/5 is my prefered ratio.

I checked your pictures and even though your hen has a bald spot they didn't look that rough.
OK, thanks. I've got 4 with my rooster.

Thanks @ChickenLegs13 I have chickens and right now it's one big rooster to like 20 hens so I guess the bald spots look even worse cuz my chickens don't have any at all. I go three more eggs today! Are they sometimes white (the eggs not the quail. I know about A&M)? I thought that they weren't unless you get other quail breeds so maybe I actually have some mixes?

OK, guys I finally got some! The hens have been bred too hard but I think they will soon recover. Here's some pics! https://micahsfarm.blogspot.com/2016/07/quail.html

Does anybody know how many females should be with each male. I'm sure there's varying opinions about this but can somebody say about how many? I want fertile eggs but I also don't wanna hurt my girls.


You can do up to 7-8 hens without loss of fertility. 4 is minimum, and for some roos it's not enough and the girls start looking ratty. I like to have 5-7 hens.

OK, thanks. I've got 4 with my rooster.

Thanks @ChickenLegs13 I have chickens and right now it's one big rooster to like 20 hens so I guess the bald spots look even worse cuz my chickens don't have any at all. I go three more eggs today! Are they sometimes white (the eggs not the quail. I know about A&M)? I thought that they weren't unless you get other quail breeds so maybe I actually have some mixes?

Sometimes white eggs happen with hens that normally speckle their eggs. I call them stress eggs because they are usually from something stressing the hen causing her to lay it before she "paints" the egg with colors. Often the white eggs will have a very thin shell so break easily. Subsequent eggs should be normal colored for her.
@Sill Ok, so maybe as soon as I can hatch some I'll increase my ratio. Oh, and that would make since about the eggs. It was cracked. It was the morning after they were driven home so yeah, stress. Thanks

@JRNash I hadn't thought of doing that! I'll try to find some close people who I can get new lines and/or advice from. thanks

@ridingtailboard I am way up north. thanks though! :)
I've used the eBay method for chickens and turkeys. Im fortunate to live within a few hours of James Marie Farms,I ordered 100 eggs from them this morning,they should ship at the end of the month :)

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