Werewolf attack...


9 Years
May 21, 2010
Otis, Oregon ~ Chicken People Since 5/10
...ok...not a werewolf... but I did watch a huge coyote come up out of the forest and snag one of my hens, this morning, right before my eyes. I couldn't believe its size and speed. It was like Jacob from Twilight grabbing one of my girls. The one I saw him grab has escaped and survived, but one of my other older hens was not so lucky.
RIP Edna Garrett. You will be missed.
Now I have a real problem on my hands. I still have 6 week old chicks who are used to free ranging every day with their Mother (they were on a protected side of the yard from the carnage, this morning). They can also fit through my pen wire still. I won't be allowing the rest to range anymore, but I don't know how in the world I am going to keep them in the pen where they at least have some cover and a rooster to help look after them. They will still leave the pen even if their Mother cannot.

Having a xanax, and a cup of tea...listening for drama...
The one thing for certain is the werewolf will be back. Get prepared to defend your flock and keep them safe.
True dat.
I got the pen escaped proofed for the littles, and everyone is in, but I am still on pins and needles. I am hoping to recruit a professional werewolf dispatcher, but it is starting to look like I may have to take care of this problem myself.
I can't keep 19 chickens inside my tiny coop all day and night...the werewolf has to go.
Any sound coyote-dispatching advice???
A gun and a tree stand may be better than a donkey. Please though, stay off the drugs. Xanax is a powerful sedative and can render you useless for protecting your flock. Coffee up and be ready for a long night!
Definately a gun, after the xanex wears off

oh, and so sorry about the attack! Those werewolves are every where these days!
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A gun and a tree stand may be better than a donkey. Please though, stay off the drugs. Xanax is a powerful sedative and can render you useless for protecting your flock. Coffee up and be ready for a long night!
thanks. I was sort of just kidding about the xanax. I have been on high alert all day.
I am hoping not to have to be the Hunstman, tonight. Am attempting to enlist some marksmen I know for the job...but we'll see. I only keep a .22 bolt action in the house, but have some friends willing to let me borrow something a little more appropriate to the task, if needs be.

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