Western Pennsylvania chicken swap.....April 9

If anybody gets on here......I'm coming
I did have my baby, she'll be coming! It'll be after 10 but I'll be there!
It was SO very nice to meet you all today!

Lots of fun was had!

In fact the only thing that would have made it better was if the weather had been a bit warmer and if some more people would have been able to attend. Looking forward to the one around September!

Thanks Lisa for taking care of all the arrangements and getting this in motion. So glad I was able to get the day off work!

ARGO! I really appreciated you taking me home and all of your help loading and unloading all of my goodies!

Good luck to all with your birds/bunnies and hatching eggs! We should start a hatch-a-thon and set our eggs together on the same day if possible. Anyone interested?
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A huge
to muranofarms for making this happen! This was my first chicken-stock. We had a great time and really enjoyed meeting everyone! If just the weather would have cooperated better!
:yiipchickChickenstock # 1 of Western PA is now a historical event!

Great people, great food, and awesome chooks (& geese) a plenty! Thanks for all your work, Muranofarms, for bringing this all together.
Thanks for all the yummy goodies (the goat's milk fudge:love was heavenly, Argo.) The auction items and the chicken poo raffle were fun.
Next time we'll rent a huge electric heater and an industrial fan, just to be prepared for the weather in any case.

I put a few of my extra fertile egg gifts on Craigslist, saying I went to a chicken sell & swap party and got a few too many,
and I got about 10 responses in one day asking "What is this chicken thing? I'd like to go"?

I think next time it will be much bigger :) Yinz!
Hmmmm... I've started gathering supplies to build my incubator since my broodies aren't reliable!
Is anyone coming to Uniontown Sunday? They are having a show and swap. They have a swap every 3rd Sunday of the month. Years ago I had heard you could get ANYTHING there!
Wow! That sure was a lot of fun! Of course yesterday we got the weather that we had wanted for Saturday!

Either way...I think it went well, and everyone seems to be up for another one in September. I went back to the campground yesterday to take them some eating eggs. They mentioned "a little bird that doesn't seem to be afraid of anyone has been hanging around all day" I took a walk up through the field to look for it, but didn't see it.
They said that any day after Labor day is good for them.....I haven't pulled out the calender yet, but does anyone have an opinion on dates?

My daughter informed me yesterday that the pasta was cold
sorry! I should have put it on the shelf in the grill to keep it warm....of course I didn't think about it then.

My Aunt & Uncle showed up at the end and packed my truck while I was still talking about chickens lol I ended up with extra napkins, cups, plastic wear etc.....I put it all in a box to bring in Sept.

Thank you to everyone for ALL the help!...the donations, the eggs and prizes, all the great food, organizing the poo-raffle, and just everything!
It was great meeting everyone!

Bantyshanty: you should have mentioned a heater earlier...I could have run home and got the torpedo heater

zookeeper: I went to the Uniontown swap last month. There really was everythingthere! Even goats and miniature donkeys! I won't be going this month, maybe next month if I have any extras then.

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