Wet chicken food

Little Jerry

In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 23, 2009
So this is my chickens first full day in thier run and it has been raining all day. Right now I still have thier food in the coop, but when I put a hanging feeder in the run what will happen if it gets wet?
yeah the food molds very fast once it's wet like within a day. I would try to cover it with something. I put my feeder in a large bucket on its side. You could also cut a large whole in a plastic bin and put it under it just put the feeder on a raised surface. You would only have to this when it rains. That or if they have access to a coop just put it in there.
I keep a small feeder in the coop (for those mornings when I'm not exactly up at the crack of dawn to let them out) and a large galvanized hanging feeder in the run under the coop. I had hoped the large feeder would be sufficiently protected from the elements by the coop, but it's not. I have since rigged up a lid for the feeder to keep out both blowing rain and hungry mice. I should probably make something a little more durable, but for now, the plastic flower pot tray is working as a lid...
I had a neighbor in my previous place of residence who let his chickens eat moldy feed. The feed had actually started to ferment. His chickens got drunk and couldn't even walk a straight line without falling over and acting, well, drunk.
I took an trash can lid that was laying around and made a lid.



just slides up rope when I need to add feed
I like the trash can lid.

I keep a pie plate over the feeder. When I know it's going to rain, I put the feeder beneath the coop. So far, so good. I haven't been caught with the feeder out in the rain. But, I know it's only a matter of time.

I'll try the trash can lid.

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