What’s the deal with you chicken people??

I guess I gained most of my knowledge of chickens over the years by watching chicken videos constantly and reading chicken articles all the time. I guess I learned that, the more you research on one subject, the better you can know about it and understand it. For instance, when my chickens got frostbite I watched videos and read a bunch of articles (at the time I wasn't a user on here.) The trick is to not rely on just one source of information on a subject, because different websites/people have different ways of doings things, for an example, if you do a search on Google for treatment of bumblefoot in chickens, many results will show up, each having different solutions for bumble foot, such as a surgery approach, a wait-and-see approach, and many many more. And none of those solutions are wrong. But, some are. If you relied only on this image that I found on google (for instance), that would be bad news because this is wrong.
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Notice that is has avocados in the fruits and veggies section. It's probably the most lethal thing for chickens besides swallowing foreign material. This image is absolutely awful because if a chicken-keeper relied on this source and this source solely, then that means certain death.

And no, you are not ignorant at all. We are all still learning. Even chicken EXPERTS still have more to learn. EVERYONE does!
All of us don't just decide to go to the computer one day and start researching. It just comes naturally when, for instance, if one of your chickens is sick, that's when a lot of us unknowingly gain our knowledge about chickens or anything really, is when we start researching frantically when our chickens aren't feeling well. Don't worry, as the years/months/weeks pass, you'll learn more and more about chickens and soon, you will get to spread on your knowledge to other people!
Even though you think you know little, you still own chickens and you can spread your knowledge about personal experiences and what did/did not work for you when owning them.

What really helps me learn about different breeds is making a quiz about them and sending it to family members, because you are learning about chickens and at the same time, it's super fun! (I make my quizzes on Google forms; you can watch a YouTube video to learn how to use it. If you don't have a Google account there are quiz makers online.)

Let me know if you have any questions about anything! We are all always happy to help ☺️
You. Are. Awesome!!! Thank you so much! And it’s true. I’m incubating eggs, and for lockdown one resource says humidity at 50% is fine, another says at least 80%, and yet another swears 65% is the magic number.
Or one website says chicken A is aggressive and another site says chicken A is docile.
It’s can be intimidating! And scary, and confusing!
Wait for the contract, that comes next. No more loopholes.
I now have only 2 girls, and only one layer. My husband signed an addendum to my original contract stating I may purchase 2 pullets that are a) not babies and b) guaranteed to be girls. I’m going for it.
Wait... You are a woman!?

Sorry. I honestly thought that you were a guy all this time. 😅😬😳😵‍💫🤦🏻‍♀️

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