What’s the deal with you chicken people??

Yes...It can be all the above! I've found that websites stereotype/generalize chicken breeds a lot. For instance, a lot of sites say "easter eggers are the friendliest breed out there, they LOVE to cuddle."
Haha. I wish. My easter egger is the most skittish flightiest chicken I have. Each chicken has their own personality, just like us humans, as we all know, but a lot of websites just don't seem to grasp that fact. They just keep on generalizing chicken breeds. Does anyone agree with me???? Do any of you have a chicken breed that doesn't match the stereotype?
Well I read legbars are supposed to friendly and social. I have 2, one IS very friendly, will sit on any lap in her vicinity. The other one not so much. She is so skittish and stays on high alert. I’ve treated no differently than her sister.
So they can eat the cheese and pepperoni as well?
Sure. But remember, all things in moderation.
My chickens mostly eat their pellets and whatever they find for themselves when they free range. So it is not like the bulk of their diet is left over pizza. But they LOVE cheese - string cheese is like special worms and is a favorite, but mine eat any kind of cheese, and they love meat.
I am not personally a big pepperoni fan so I am not sure they ever got pepperoni - but they have had other types of salami and sausage as a treat.
Sure. But remember, all things in moderation.
My chickens mostly eat their pellets and whatever they find for themselves when they free range. So it is not like the bulk of their diet is left over pizza. But they LOVE cheese - string cheese is like special worms and is a favorite, but mine eat any kind of cheese, and they love meat.
I am not personally a big pepperoni fan so I am not sure they ever got pepperoni - but they have had other types of salami and sausage as a treat.
Oh my gosh, that is so funny that string cheese is like worms 😂
Maybe I should feed my chickies cheese sometime.
Yes, I'm not a big pepperoni fan either. I guess I could feed them meat scraps off my plate every now-and-then.
What's really weird is that my chickens love rice😐

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