What’s the treatment for this chicken

Sounds like another chicken with respiratory illness, the gurling sounds are caused by the mucous obstructing the respiratory tract.

As it seems, you are still acquiring new birds time and again, without all of your other birds being back to healthy again.

I know that it is very enticing to get new birds and rare breeds, but if you continue in doing so, you might never really be able to get the health problems of your birds fixed.
Sounds like Mycoplasma Gallisepticum (MG) or Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT) or even Infectious Bronchitis (IB). Regardless of which one, they are all not good. ILT is caused by a virus, same as IB. MG is caused by a bacteria. Both MG and ILT make birds life time carriers, spreading the disease from their feathers, feces, dander, respiratory secretions and other bodily fluids. MG and ILT are also chronic- meaning that symptoms can go away, but then reappear at anytime, especially if the bird is stressed. I highly recommend that you don’t ever breed from your sickly infected flock, as you’ll just be passing the ILT virus and MG bacteria through the eggs of developing embryos, making any chicks that hatch, already infected and sick. IB is caused by virus. Out of all the respiratory diseases, IB is not chronic nor do birds carry it for life, sounds good, right? Actually it’s not all good because this virus attacks the respiratory tract and reproductive system, causing eggs to be wrinkly, rough, soft, misshapen or even none at all. Hens are also more susceptible to Lash Egg or an egg breaking inside. Birds infected with IB, will remain carriers up to 4-6 weeks after initial infection. All 3 of these diseases are incurable and ILT and IB dont have any treatments.

You may disagree with ILT because of the bloody part, but from my experience with this disease in particular, not all birds cough up blood or cough at all. They make the gurgly sound that yours is doing. The gurgling is caused from music build-up in the birds trachea, making the sound that you’re hearing. Not all symptoms of a disease will show in a bird, especially if the infection is mild.

More information about ILT: https://extension.umd.edu/sites/ext...programs/poultry/ILT Know the Symptoms....pdf

More information about MG:

More information about IB: https://www.poultryworld.net/Health/health_tool/Infectious-bronchitis/

I hope this helps!

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