What Age Can Baby Chicks Be Out Of The Brooder?

You can release them, when they are fully feathered. That should take about 6-8 weeks depending on the breed.
I suggest keeping them separate from you outside flock for another couple weeks, to let them get used to seeing each other.
I integrate very slowly. I use a wire dog kennel inside my coop. I put the babies in there around 3-4 weeks of age. By the time they are 3-4 months they are ready to roost with the big girls. They should all be the same size which is around 3 months before putting them together.

I have a bully hen, this method I use make integration so much smoother.
I agree with Nicole01. It takes time to introduce new chicks to a flock. Many times the new ones will keep to their own mini flock for quite some time after being released into the bigger flock.

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