What animal could this be???

to be honest... I do not know what the guy actually did with them...

if he released them, killed them, or ate them...

The guy said he would take them and I didn't ask any questions...
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We have a person that lives locally that has property that he releases them on...

It's really not a good idea to relocate, and may be illegal in your state.

They have a large range and could well be right back to your land, relocating can spread disease (why it's illegal), dumping animal in another's territory almost guarantees it will be killed, you are just taking your problem and making it someone else's.

Trap and dispatch or fortify coop and live with them.
ok... to be honest... I do not know what the guy actually did with them...
if he released them, killed them, or ate them... The guy said he would take them and I didn't ask any questions...

I had no idea this was going to end up being such an argument... and never intended to "upset" anyone... I just wanted to protect my girls... my hens, my cats, and my dogs....
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PLEASE don't relocate the little varmits; they will either die trying to survive in a new location, find another chicken dinner, come back to your place, and be trap wise so impossible to get again. In Michigan, no coons can be moved to another county, and our DNR recommends shooting any that are causing a problem. Mary
PLEASE don't relocate the little varmits; they will either die trying to survive in a new location, find another chicken dinner, come back to your place, and be trap wise so impossible to get again. In Michigan, no coons can be moved to another county, and our DNR recommends shooting any that are causing a problem. Mary
PLEASE don't relocate the little varmits;  they will either  die trying to survive in a new location,  find another chicken dinner,  come back to your place,  and be trap wise so impossible to get again.  In Michigan, no coons can be moved to  another county, and our DNR recommends shooting any that are causing a problem. Mary

Mary, Coons are extremely smart and highly adaptable. They roam anywhere from a few acres to a few miles and can remember things for years in some instances. For those that become "trap wise" I say it's best to shoot them to begin with.

Nothing is worse than a female who's ready to feed her kits and show them how to hunt your chickens. There are plenty of coons to go around so popping a few will no hurt the local population and anyone who shoots them will likely be thanked.
What are you doing with them? Relocating is not advised and in some places may not be allowed....
In your home state of Alabama it is now illegal to release wild animals back into the wild even if you have a permit to rehabilate them. You may keep and feed the little chicken thives until they die from old age, providing that you have the proper paperwork, you may release them at the point of capture once you give them a stern talking to, or you are allowed to destroy problem animals.

The reason for this is to stanch the spread of rabies and other diseases.
ok... to be honest... I do not know what the guy actually did with them...

if he released them, killed them, or ate them... The guy said he would take them and I didn't ask any questions...

I had no idea this was going to end up being such an "argument"... and never intended to "upset" anyone...

I have family and friends that work with fish and game and our local law inforcement agencies... I never inteneded to do anything illegal/against the law...

I just wanted to protect my girls... my hens, my cats, and my dogs... and my family...
I relocated a raccoon once. Didn't know better. I think people are sharing their knowledge, and providing background on why they feel the way they do. I am sure that relocating into someone's crockpot would pass muster, although I will skip that dinner.

Good luck with solving your raccoon problem.


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