what are they thinkin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


8 Years
Feb 3, 2011
N Fla
Ok my young pied and 1 yr old ib male are sleeping in uncovered breeding pen. I have a perch out there it is flooding rain and there they sit my dear wife shined them for me i brought them in to covered pen with bs male and his ib hen. i can not get them to roost with her inside.
That is just how they are.

Mine stay in the barn if it is raining in the daytime but come nightime up in the trees they go rain,cold and all. burr.
Cool pic Zaz. Man they get up there high. Mine just have to tuff it out in the rain. No covered pen. Ala naturaul.Kmsek. I dont know if this rain is ever gonna quit for us Mine look like wet rats. Going to pic up a sopping wet girl today from Minx. I just hope the 1hour drive back in the dog kennel aint too stressful on "goldilocks. Maybe it will at least not be a gullywasher when I bring her back
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That is just how they are.

Mine stay in the barn if it is raining in the daytime but come nightime up in the trees they go rain,cold and all. burr.
Another great picture... Your place looks like a slice of Heaven, too. Can I come live with you?

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