What are you baking now?

I am sure the rotten parts of the apple went to the chickens!

The grandfather of a friend of ours has a long standing arrangement with our local grocery where they give him produce that would otherwise be thrown away. He brought us by a huge crate of bananas that were too dark to sell. When peeled thought they were still in great shape.

So I made 18 pints of Banana Jam with them instead of giving them to the hens. It is delicious, I always add a generous dollop of Amaretto right before I fill the jars.

I think using rotten apples for pie is a splendid idea. I, and our fore-mothers, salute your thriftiness, PW_Quiltworks!
A bit off the usual baking track, but I needed dinner going in a hurry, with no trips to the store. I avoid shopping for anything.

So I had:
2 cans of tuna
elbow macaroni
frozen peas
Pepperidge Farm Herb Stuffing
cheddar cheese

All the makings of a casserole, but NO milk and NO canned soup!

However, I did find an envelope of Pioneer white gravy mix- ancient, because I make gravy from scratch now-
but it only calls for water.

So what the hecky-do, I made the gravy mix, (not bad, really) added the tuna, cooked macaroni, sauteed onion and celery, peas, a little bit of herb stuffing, cheddar cheese and topped the whole stirred together mix with a little more cheese and stuffing. A bit more pepper on top, bake at 350F in the convection toaster oven until bubbly and dang, it's GOOD!

For once, one of my experiments worked out!
Some of the best dinners I have made have been when I had to combine a mish mash of interesting ingredients I had sitting in the pantry. Fortunately, you have written it all down and will be able to make it again if you ever want to!

Good for you! Very creative use of the gravy packet, too!
I baked Peanut Butter Cookie with spenlda instead of Sugar!! The are gone so the must have been good

Peanut Butter Cookies
2 egg white ( beat stiff peaks)
1 cup sugar (or 1 cup Spenlda)
1 cup peanut butter ( smooth or crunchy)
1 tsp almond extract

combine and then measure out with scoop, criss cross the tops with fork and bake at 350 degrees til golden brown, cool on rack and enjoy!!!

Yes I know there is no FLOUR listed because none goes in!!!!!


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