What are you baking now?

At work today I made Mini-Lemon Tarts with Hazelnut Meringues, 2 Creme Anglaise Cheesecakes with Shortbread Crust & Raspberry Sauce, and two kinds of bread sticks. Oh yeah, and Biscuits!
I am tempted to make a loaf of Focaccia now, even though I am exhausted & that would be crazy... But, it is so good & easy and I have to make dinner anyhow.

And, again, I am being tempted to make a peach pie.

Tomorrow I think I will test Anadama recipes, any of you have a favorite Anadama Bread recipe?

I forgot all about St. Patty's Day until I got to the grocery store. EVERYONE was wearing green. (I mean it, everyone.) I was in purple.
It took someone telling me it was St. Patty's Day at the register for me to figure it out.
Until then I thought it was just some town pride thing.
At work today I made Mini-Lemon Tarts with Hazelnut Meringues, 2 Creme Anglaise Cheesecakes with Shortbread Crust & Raspberry Sauce, and two kinds of bread sticks. Oh yeah, and Biscuits!
I am tempted to make a loaf of Focaccia now, even though I am exhausted & that would be crazy... But, it is so good & easy and I have to make dinner anyhow.

And, again, I am being tempted to make a peach pie.

Tomorrow I think I will test Anadama recipes, any of you have a favorite Anadama Bread recipe?

I forgot all about St. Patty's Day until I got to the grocery store. EVERYONE was wearing green. (I mean it, everyone.) I was in purple.
It took someone telling me it was St. Patty's Day at the register for me to figure it out.
Until then I thought it was just some town pride thing.

Make the peach pie....you know you want to.

I baked Banana Blue Berry Bread and am baking(raising now) Wild Yeast Baguettes.

Wild Yeast Baguettes

These crackly-crusted baguettes feature complex flavor, thanks to the addition of sourdough to the dough. While not particularly sour, their taste is rich and compelling.

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* 1 cup sourdough starter, fed and ready to use
* 1 1/2 cups lukewarm water
* 1 teaspoon instant yeast
* 1 tablespoon sugar
* 2 1/2 teaspoons salt
* 5 cups King Arthur Unbleached All-Purpose Flour


1) Combine all of the ingredients, kneading to form a smooth dough. If your sourdough is thin (thinner than a very thick pancake batter), you'll probably need to add more flour.

2) Allow the dough to rise, in a covered bowl, for 1 hour; then refrigerate overnight, up to about 18 hours.

3) Next day, divide the dough into 6 pieces.

4) Gently shape the dough into six 12" baguettes, and place them on two lightly greased or parchment-lined baking sheets; or into baguette pans. Cover and let rise until very puffy, about 3 hours. Towards the end of the rising time, preheat the oven to 425°F.

5) Spray the loaves with lukewarm water.

6) Make three fairly deep diagonal slashes in each baguette; a serrated bread knife, wielded firmly, works well here.

7) Bake the bread for 25 to 30 minutes, until it's a very deep golden brown. Remove the loaves from the oven, and cool on a rack.

Yield: six 13" baguettes.

Printed from COOKS.COM

1 stick butter, melted
3/4 c. sugar
3/4 c. brown sugar
2 eggs
1/2 c. buttermilk
3 over ripe bananas
3 c. flour
1 1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1 1/2 c. frozen blueberries
1/2 c. chopped walnuts
Mix butter, sugar and brown sugar together. Add eggs, buttermilk. Mix well. Add bananas, mashed. Mix together flour, soda, salt and add to banana mixture. Add blueberries--DO NOT OVERMIX!! Add walnuts.

Pour 1/2 of mixture into a regular loaf pan--greased and floured. Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of brown sugar across top of mixture. Bake at 325 degrees for 70-80 minutes. Cool in pans 10 minutes.
I finally made the chocolate cookies (from several pages back) again, but with the Special Dark cocoa and dark chocolate chips. They're almost black in color and taste awesome..but I also LOVE dark chocolate.

I finally made the chocolate cookies (from several pages back) again, but with the Special Dark cocoa and dark chocolate chips. They're almost black in color and taste awesome..but I also LOVE dark chocolate.

I want some!!!!! I can't wait to get home from work tomorrow, I think I might try these. And, no one else at my house really likes dark chocolate, so I might get them all to myself haha
I want some!!!!! I can't wait to get home from work tomorrow, I think I might try these. And, no one else at my house really likes dark chocolate, so I might get them all to myself haha

They're good with just normal cocoa and chocolate chips too...if you're feeling generous enough to feed the rest of the people in your house.
The only bad part is they literally make a dozen cookies. If I had cut these a little thinner, I could have made more, but they're best about 1/2 inch thick. They are definitely the quickest cookie recipe I have (minus the chilling in the fridge part, which you don't want to skip) so it's no big deal to make a couple batches.
They're good with just normal cocoa and chocolate chips too...if you're feeling generous enough to feed the rest of the people in your house.
The only bad part is they literally make a dozen cookies. If I had cut these a little thinner, I could have made more, but they're best about 1/2 inch thick. They are definitely the quickest cookie recipe I have (minus the chilling in the fridge part, which you don't want to skip) so it's no big deal to make a couple batches.

Hmmm... If you say they only make a dozen, then that means I'll probably end up with about 4 cookies by the time I get done eating the dough. LOL I better make a triple batch!!!
Hmmm... If you say they only make a dozen, then that means I'll probably end up with about 4 cookies by the time I get done eating the dough. LOL I better make a triple batch!!!

Oddly enough, I don't really like just the dough. When it's the raw dough, they don't seem to have a ton of flavor to me, but once they're baked they're awesome. A triple batch can't hurt though.
I've just made a rhubarb crumble that should be ready in the next 10 minutes, I shall enjoy it with some custard
I am also growing rhubarb for the first time this year so I can make it again and again!

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