What are you canning now?

Hey all, that recipe one of you kindly posted a ways back, the Sweet n Sour Sauce... Where do you guys find that Clear Gel product? Not finding it locally to me :( Any suggestions?
Hey all, that recipe one of you kindly posted a ways back, the Sweet n Sour Sauce... Where do you guys find that Clear Gel product? Not finding it locally to me :( Any suggestions?

I couldn't find the clear gel locally, although I didn't look very hard, so I ordered it from Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00015UC4S/ref=oh_details_o05_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

It had about 4 cups of clear gel.

I really liked the recipe and we're eating it like crazy!!
No, this is the first time I tried making juice and I cooked the peels and cores in a big pot with water. After cooking it for about an hour I strained the juice through cheesecloth and then through a wire mesh colander with coffee filters lining it. I still ended up with a
little residue but not as thick as when I tried it only straining through the cheesecloth. The rest of the apples I made into applesauce or apple butter. The peels and cores made great jelly and juice though!
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Made salsa, tomato soup, and applesauce this week so far. Doing more salsa tomorrow and then have 12 cantaloupes and 100 pounds of potatoes to contend with plus another 75 pounds of apples in cold storage. This has been a great year for apples and tomatoes.
Made salsa, tomato soup, and applesauce this week so far. Doing more salsa tomorrow and then have 12 cantaloupes and 100 pounds of potatoes to contend with plus another 75 pounds of apples in cold storage. This has been a great year for apples and tomatoes.

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